How To Hypnotize Instantly

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How To Hypnotize A Woman

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When you want to hypnotize a woman, there's something that normally happens, i mean when you are searching for a woman you want to hypnotize, though this may not happen to all men because it rarely occurs. Many men experience it and many more will experience it when they are out to hypnotize a woman. It goes like this, you are in a group chatting with some couple of girls or maybe you are with a friend like one or two drinking at a party or some cool spot, while you are doing this, you have got your eyes on a woman in the group and you really want to make something happen fast like make a connection if you know what i mean. The woman maybe the kind that feels hard to get, she smiles while you are looking at her and talks to you politely and friendly but she is not returning your comments the way you want it, if at all. It's like that woman is playing hard to hypnotize whereas her female friend's seem easy to ride with it.This does not always happen because you are not the type of man she wants, as you know this things always happen or don't but there's a different, the reason might be because the woman you want does not seem to be interested in you and to me it's a thing of psychology and social attitude.

Whenever you show you are interested in a good looking woman who is with her friends, you make her feel too big and she will really love to show off her ego, in her mind she believes that you want her and will like to show this attitude of elevated importance. Meanwhile, she also knows that once she reacts by feeling to be obvious and flirty attracted to you, she will lose the higher values she has over her friends maybe the reason why you targeted her in the first instance, she keeps on her "i am a bit too good for you" status. Probably, you can tackle this situation with what i call deflection theory which is a kind of way to hypnotize women. This is simply a method whereby you twist the situation on her head and turn the psychology of your target woman by deflecting your mind away from her and passing it into one or more of her friends. When you show her friends who has got low social worth or value than the woman you want to hypnotize, you show more affection and closer attention to her friends, you should her ego which she is resisting from you. So in a way to gain her superiority in the midst of her circle friends, the woman you want to hypnotize will subconsciously invest much more interest in you by flirting and being playful, i don't know whether you have noticed this attitude in woman when a man wants to hypnotize or date them, thats a scientifically proven method to hypnotize woman called deflection theory i have said that previously, though it may look confusing but as you read on you will get what i mean.

As a normal character in women, she lets in accepting what she feels she cannot have and of course you will be glad to have that woman. After all she is the hottest in the group of her friends and the woman you've being eying to hypnotize. One of the ways to deflect the attention onto one of her pals is to make the woman you want to hypnotize feel as if her ego has been challenged and won. Thus, is to make her feel an instant and an undeniable desire to get your attention and also win you back.

(1)Try to use a strong eye contact when talking to all of her female friends. Meanwhile, when you are talking to the woman you want to hypnotize, occasionally take your eyes away and towards one of the girls who is busy talking among themselves or maybe to your friends if you are with any at that moment, make a slight smile before looking at the woman of your target. This will hammer a kind of competition into the battling mind of the woman you are really interested to hypnotize and immediately will make her want to gain your attention back.

(2) Casually try to make a kind of close physically contact with her pals more than the way you make with her, e.g touch them on the side of their arms to attract their attention or when joking and laughing.

(3) When sitting down or standing around talking as a group, face slightly more (as in, the direction of your body/torso) in the direction of one of her friends more than her. Using deflection theory to challenge the ego of a woman you’re interested is way to hypnotize a woman and therefore make her want you more is just one psychological technique you can use to boost your pick-up game. Combine it with others and you maximize your success with the opposite sex in ways most men have and never will experience.

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