How To Hypnotize Instantly

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Self Hypnosis - How Do You Learn Self Hypnosis?

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How do you learn self hypnosis? Is there such a thing as self hypnosis and does it work? If you have had any interest in the subject of self hypnosis then you have probably asked these questions.

But you are actually asking the wrong questions. You should be wondering "How do I use my self hypnosis skills to change my life?" Yes that's right, you already have the skills of self hypnosis. You have just forgotten them over time.

Can you remember a time in your childhood, right now, where you got caught up in a day dream. You may have been in school, staring at your book, but your mind was elsewhere. You may have been thinking about the place you were going to visit on the weekend with your parents. You were actually there at the seaside playing in the shallow waves of the shore.

Then the booming voice of your teacher brought you abruptly out of your day dream and back to the reality of the classroom. This was an example of your self hypnosis skills at play...but you did not know it.

Other times that you may have been in a self hypnotic trance were the times when you were listening to music and you loss track of time. More resent examples may be the times you have been driving in your car and forgotten how you got to a destination. These times of self hypnosis are often discouraged by others and you lose the ability to get into a trance easily.

If you were encouraged as a child to do a bit more guided day dreaming you would have learned the best skill to change any behavior you wanted for life...self hypnosis.

The good news is that we can all learn self hypnosis even in our later years. It is not a case of "you can't teach old dogs new tricks", you are never too old to learn.

You just need to learn the structure of self hypnosis and you can practice on your own and become as proficient as anyone else. Try self hypnosis out for yourself and discover the best skill you ever forgot.

Craig Perry is a certified hypnotherapist and the creator of Get your FREE self hypnosis home study course at

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