How To Hypnotize Instantly

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How To: Self-Hypnosis

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Self-hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind that can be utilised to bring about desirable change.

Two things are required in order to perform self-hypnosis.

1. A method for inducing deep relaxation i.e. trance.
2. Something you want to change.

Let's look first at the things you might want to change. You may want - more confidence; the ability to talk comfortably to someone you find attractive; more money; better health; to feel better about yourself; to be more successful; to stop putting things off; to achieve a goal – it doesn't really matter what it is as long as it is achievable for you. And you may like to consider that you are capable of achieving very much more than you think you can.

Then you need to sit down with a pen and paper and do some work.

The work you need to do is to write down a statement that encapsulates what you want as if you have it already. You'll know you have the right statement when you get a pleasurable emotional reaction when you read it. The emotional reaction is important.

Then you need to spend some time working on creating a mental picture of already having what you want. This mental picture MUST include a strong positive emotional response. When you create your image in your mind it must make you feel good in some way – happy, excited, joyful, awed…

Some people find it easy to create mental pictures in great detail others find it more difficult. However, I have yet to find anyone incapable of engaging in fantasy or daydream – and that's all that is required of you in creating a mental picture – do whatever you do when you fantasise or daydream.

Now the really important bit.

What you do with self-hypnosis is to re-programme your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind has three key attributes:
1. It believes whatever you tell it.
2. It doesn't understand negatives.
3. If you tell it something that isn't true, it will make it true for you.

Your subconscious mind has no critical abilities. That is the realm of consciousness, and that's why it takes at face value whatever you tell it. You can tell it in words. You can tell it in pictures. But the most powerful way to activate it is to tell it with emotions. But because it has no critical abilities you must always phrase words and images in the positive.

I am no longer poor.
I am not shy.
I am no longer a failure.
…all maintain the current situation.

Phrase everything in a positive way.
I am enjoying paying all my bills on time with money left over to go out for a meal once a week and a wonderful holiday twice a year.
Accompany this with images of you looking forward to the bills and putting them in the mail, or having fun on your holiday.

I am relaxed and comfortable in all circumstances and situations.
Accompany this with images of you having fun playing Frisbee in the boardroom with your managing director.

I am so successful that I'm now a success guru.
Accompany this with images of you sitting cross-legged on your yacht with a group of admirers eager for your every word.

These are just suggestions. What works best are the images and words that emerge from within you.

Now back to the beginning – a method of inducing the trance where you can start re-programming your subconscious mind.

The easiest way is with a progressive relaxation. Make yourself comfortable, preferably sitting. Lying down there is too much tendency to fall asleep. Then focus your awareness on your feet and ankles and notice any tension in the muscles there and gently, softly let it go. Then move to your lower legs and so on up through your body; paying particular attention to the abdominal muscles because a lot of tension is held here, and also to the tiny muscles around your mouth and eyes.

Then start to count down from ten to one. Count on an out breath. And each time you count tell yourself you are becoming more and more deeply relaxed. When you reach one tell yourself you are now totally and completely relaxed and totally and completely receptive to all positive thoughts and suggestions. Then start to repeat your 'mantra' – the phrase that you chose to re-program your subconscious mind. Then while you continue to repeat the phrase bring into your mind the fantasy you created. Make it as real as you can. Utilise all of your senses. Hear the sounds, see the colours, touch the textures, and feel the wonderfully positive emotion that you will experience when you achieve what you want to achieve. When you have fully experienced this allow the image to fade. Allow the mantra to fade, and start to count yourself back up to waking awareness. Remind yourself that when you reach ten you will feel fully alert, refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of the day/evening.

Good luck and let me know when your dream comes true.

Michael J. Hadfield MBSCH is a registered clinical hypnotherapist. You can experience his unique style on a popular range of hypnosis CD's and tapes at you can also obtain treatment for a variety of problems and explore his approach to health, healing, and hypnosis.

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