Create Yellow Page Ads that Hypnotize Customers Into Giving You What Ever You Want
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Exactly how do you create an advertisement that stops a potential customer right in their tracks? One that gets them locked in a hypnotic trance from the moment they lay eyes on your ad until they grab the phone and feverishly dial in your number?
Would you like a specific answer? I'll lay out the exact process for you right here on this page.
OK, ...Lets suppose for a minute that you are a behind the steering wheel of your car driving toward your home right now. Its been a very long day at work and you have had one or two (or three) of your normal challenges with the people who can make your day a hassle.
You have been doing your job for years now but there are just some people who seem to set you back every time you have contact with them. So, your pretty frustrated today.
The sun is low near the horizon and ends up shining right in your face as you drive. But up ahead you can see that a school is letting out. Off to the right of the car, on the sidewalk, there is a kid yelling at another kid and teasing him about something.
One time, I was just getting out of grade school and this bully was taunting me. I was wearing a bright orange fluorescent crossing guard belt and this kid was giving me grief about how stupid I looked wearing it. I remember his face and the cruel way he was making fun of something I was somewhat proud of. the way......a car has come to a DEAD stop right in front of you.
Did you hit it?
Or do you think you might have hit it? And what would you say to the nice police man? You might say you were distracted....but really, you were off on another planet.
So, what is the exact method for a captivating headline and directory ad? Let me pause for a moment, and cover a bit of background first.
Hypnotic trances aren't what many people think they are. Most feel they are a power or force that is imposed on a person that will cause them to do things they would never do otherwise. That's not an accurate way to look at what happens.
Its more that a person allows themselves to become involved in a train of thought that ends up capturing their complete attention. In this state, they will do things they would choose to do anyway. The only difference being that they are so captivated by a particular train of thought that they become unaware of their surroundings or that there is anybody else watching.
The result is behavior you'd not expect. People in a hypnotic state are open to outside input without many of the barriers we might normally use during the day to keep our defenses up.
Chances are good that you are reading this. ( That was a no-brainer statement.) One of the reasons you kept reading was that I proposed an intriguing idea - that I would lay down a clear and easy formula for getting the attention of a customer.
An unanswered question or statement is a big part of the hypnotic formula. Once the curosity is aroused then a person will stay glued until the mind has satisfied the missing element.
Another part of the formula is a story that people can relate to. The story should have specific details to guide the reader but the details should be universally familiar. Very specific, as if the event was taking place, but general enough that most everyone can relate to the details.
Can this be boiled down to a Yellow Page Ad? Yes. "The Story" in your ad might be "That old dusty water heater that needs replacing fast." Or maybe "Your life has been shattered by a Drunken Driver and you need legal help." Those are hypnotic statements to the potential customer. They tell a quick story that includes emotional elements that draw the desired reader to the first line of text.
The opposite of those two statements would be "We sell De-Grande Brand Water heaters for less." and "We legally represent you. Since 1814." These kind of "Ego" statements often represent the mind of the seller, but NOT the state of mind of the buyer.
The business owner might look at those statements and really relate to what it says. The customer will sail right past those ads because they have an entirely different thought train at that moment.
Writing a Hypnotic Yellow Page ad takes time and thought. By now your beginning to see that putting together together a winning and powerful yellow page ad takes a number of skills that go well beyond a thorough study of the Graphic Arts.
About the Author Chuck Masterson is the Director of R&D for Yellow Pages Into Profits and has assembled a team of the Nations top Yellow Page Ad Design Specialists.
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