How To Hypnotize Instantly

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Did Dick Cheney Hypnotize George W. Bush?

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Is the enormous influence Dick Cheney wields over the president of the United States evidence of Cheney having put Bush into a hypnotic trance?

No. That bewildered look of George W. and his fractured syntax has nothing to do with hypnotism. That’s because hypnosis can’t make you do something you don’t want to. So Bush’s war-mongering, acceptance of torture and spying on his own citizens may have been suggested by Cheney but is clearly something Bush believes to be inspired by God, not Cheney.

However, the Bush administration has used hypnosis on Americans in general. And it has done that in a horribly negative fashion. Negative hypnosis is when someone plants negative thoughts in other people’s minds.

As detailed by the American former hypnotherapist Carol Warner Christen in her paper ‘Fear, Distraction, Hypnosis, And The National Attention Span’:

“We are hypnotized by the idea of fear. The American power mongers ask us to close our eyes and imagine a jihadist, a foreigner, a terrorist. Our homegrown tyrants will care for us if we let them; we will be safe and secure as we sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of uncaring bliss...we will give the tyrants here more and more including trillions of dollars of our hard-earned taxes.” [ library]

Why have U.S. citizens been willing to absorb this fear? Partly because, like people everywhere, Americans begin with suspicion of the Other. However, the history of the United States is rife with insularity and xenophobia.

Which, of course, has been exacerbated by 9/11. Bush’s reaction to this dastardly act was to declare a Crusade. Never seemed to occur to him to wonder why America is so hated. (Not, I hasten to add, that any reason for the hatred justifies the slaughter of 9/11.)

Ever since then Bush has carefully deflected attention away from his bosom pals, the Saudi Arabians, (whose country provided most of the 9/11 terrorists) with a steady diet of fear-based suggestions delivered hypnotically through the media.

According to Canadian hypno-psychotherapist Bryan Knight the solution to these fear-inducing suggestions is a counter campaign of positive hypnotic suggestions. And this could be accomplished on a group or individual basis without State intervention.

Adults can quickly learn how to use hypnosis to tune into their own psychological strengths. Many books and websites show how easy this is. According to Knight, who delights in his five grandchildren, developing the skill of positive self-hypnosis is even more important for children.

“Every child in North America could benefit from being taught positive self-hypnosis,” says Knight. “More relaxed at school they would be able to listen better in class, absorb information more accurately, think more clearly, do better in sports and on exams. Their self-esteem and self-control would sky-rocket.”

Most importantly, adds Knight, “Children enjoying positive self-hypnosis would naturally resist the kind of negative fear-mongering that currently infests our neighbours to the South."

Discover what hypnosis is all about with Dr Knight's free ebook "Hypnosis: 77 Answers to Questions I Wish You'd Stop Asking"

Hypnosis Headquarters has been on-line since 1995. This pioneering hypnosis website offers hundreds of pages of information about hypnotherapy while providing ebooks, CDs, MP3s and DVDs about hypnosis. Hypno-psychotherapist Dr Bryan Knight is the author of scores of articles and several books about hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. He founded The International Registry of Professional Hypnotherapists.

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