How To Hypnotize Instantly

Thursday, August 9, 2007

How To Covertly Hypnotize people

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Imagine having a riveting conversation with a stranger you just met. He or she approached you with a friendly question and you hit it right off. After a few minutes of conversation, you are ready and eager to buy drinks for this person the whole night, you believe he or she is extremely intelligent and someone you'd like to spend your whole life with...

This sometimes happens. It's probably not even such a rare event.

But... to be able to do it intentionally and predictably is another story. Here's where hypnosis comes in.

For obvious reasons, this "secret" form of hypnosis is termed covert hypnosis. It is the utilization of techniques and strategies to influence the thoughts and behaviour of our listener or reader in a completely unconscious way.

"People are basically hypnosis machines", said Ross Jeffries, one of the pioneers of modern applications of hypnosis for the use in persuasion. And he was right...

You see, people are used to being directly told what to do ("buy our product", "give me some money", "go out with me"...) and therefore have a natural tendency to reject such "commands". Their critical conscious mind evaluates such statements and can easily reject them.

However, there's something people aren't used to: having their inner processes described. When this happens, they instantly start to go with those descriptions and start experiencing the feelings and thoughts suggested. They literally instantly experience a hypnotic trance.

Example: Have you ever been reading a really interesting book or other piece of text? You know when you start reading and it's so riveting that you begin to focus intently on this text and as everything else around you begins to fade, you can notice that pleasant, warm glow inside your stomach begins to grow as you read this. You hang on every word as you begin to experience the feelings and emotions contained within this text. So, if the text would, describe someone relaxing on the beach while sipping your favorite drink, you can begin to vividly imagine yourself on the beach, feeling warm sun on your skin, smelling the fresh smell of the ocean, looking at the rhythmic reflections of the sunlight on the waves and as you do all that, you can relax completely.

OK... enough for now :)

This is one of the covert hypnosis techniques... Instead if saying: "Go out with me", describe a situation where she is going to feel the feelings of wanting to go out with you. Complicated? Not at all...

Example: You: "Can I ask you a question? Her: "Yes" You: "Have you ever just met someone and really wanted to go out with him? You know, when you feel that feeling of instant connection with him... and as you begin to imagine what a great time you'd have with this guy (very subtly point to yourself!)... laughing, interesting talks, romantic feelings... you can look back to the present moment and say to yourself: "Going out with him was one of the best decisions I made in the last years"... Isn't it interesting how this just happens sometimes?" Her: "Yeah, I guess" You: "And you know what probably the worst thing is?" Her: "No?" You: "When you begin to feel this desire for going out with this guy (very subtly point to yourself!) and he doesn't ask you, you can feel the desire growing... becoming more real with every second, up to the point where you start giving him obvious signs of wanting to go out with him (again subtly point to yourself!)... and this goes on through the whole conversation?" Her: "Yeah, those are the worst" You: "Yeah, I was talking about this with my friend, Tina, and I was wondering why the heck doesn't she then ask him out. But she explained that it's so complicated and it's very hard for a girl to ask a guy out if she has feelings for him. Are you the same way?" Her: "Yeah, you can give him signals, but he should be the one to ask you out" You: "You're right. What kinds of signals do you give a guy?" Her: "Well, I don't know... I look at him and smile... You know, the obvious signs" You: "Yeah, It's funny how most guys have a difficulty decoding these signs. You girls are practically screaming what you'd like to happen, but the guys just stare and have no idea." Her: "Yeah, exactly" You: "Very interesting... Thanks for this. I have to go now, but maybe we could continue this discussion over a drink sometime?" Her: "Yeah, that would be nice" You: "Cool, just write your number here and I'll call you. Friday at about 7 OK?" Her: "Yeah, OK"

OK... this is just one example and one variation of using this. I wanted to make it a bit longer so that you get a feel for the descriptions. And did you notice how I wrote "(very subtly point to yourself!)" every time when I spoke about "some guy". This is an example of the non-verbal suggestions used in covert hypnosis. If you very subtly point to yourself, they won't register it consciously, but their unconscious will pick it up and apply it. So then, while you're talking about "some guy", she will actually apply the feelings to you. Interesting, huh?

Another thing I used was a post-hypnotic suggestion... Where I said: "and this goes on through the whole conversation?". With that I "installed" the feeling of wanting to go out with me through the rest of our conversation. Neat, huh?

I hope this article was useful to you and that you'll start to apply the techniques I taught. But there's a lot more to covert hypnosis...

How much easier and better would your life be if you had the ability to instantly change people's minds and to get them to do what you wanted? What would you use such exciting abilities for? If you want to learn the powerful secrets of covert hypnosis, you're invited to sign up for my newsletter, where you'll learn many covert hypnosis secrets:

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