How To Hypnotize Instantly

Monday, August 13, 2007

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Hypnosis is a process involving a hypnotist and a subject who agrees to be hypnotized. It is a learned behaviour, according to Spanos, issuing out of a socio-cognitive context. Hypnosis is also dangerous in the police setting, because of the tendency of too many police officers to believe in truth serums, lie detectors, and other magical and easy ways to get to the truth. Hypnosis is not something imposed on people, but something they do for themselves. It can be described as a highly focused state of attention in which one is able to access a wealth of unconscious resources for self-growth and change. We can think of it as a state of mind characterized by relaxed brain waves and a state of hyper-suggestibility. It is moreover a perfectly normal state that just about everyone has experienced and is a tremendously pleasant state of relaxation.

Is it natural or normal ?

Hypnosis is a science because it is governed by the Laws of the Mind, also called the Laws of the Spirit. When you experience the wonderful sensation of being gently directed how to use your mind to create an incredible state of internal calm, you will learn just what hypnosis is, and why you can do it. Hypnosis is a powerful, effective and 100% natural part of you. The ability to go into hypnosis is as much a part of being a human being as speech. The only reason people stay in hypnosis is because it feels fantastic.

Learn How To Hypnotize

Going into hypnosis isn't the same as being asleep. The common view of hypnosis is that it is a trance-like altered state of consciousness. We know that a person under hypnosis is very suggestible and that memory is easily filled-in by the imagination and by suggestions made under hypnosis. Baker claims that what we call hypnosis is actually a form of learned social behaviour.

Discovering the mind

Some psychologists and hypnotherapists use hypnosis to discover truths hidden from ordinary consciousness by tapping into the unconscious mind where these truths allegedly reside. If hypnosis is not an altered state or gateway to a mystical and occult unconscious mind, then what is it? It is how the psyche interrelates with the physical body. It is in this domain that hypnosis finds its rightful niche as a science that deals almost exclusively with mind/body interactions; for this reason, hypnosis has had a fascinating historical trajectory. In clinical situations, some people exit from the hypnotic experience astonished to have felt a state of mind so vastly different from their normal waking state, whereas others talk as if nothing unusual had happened.

Can I Learn Hypnosis ?

Hypnosis is not a type of psychotherapy. Hypnosis is not sleep or unconsciousness. It is actually the state right between waking and sleeping and techniques can be learnt just like any other skill. Hypnosis is not loss of control or weakening of the will. Hypnosis is not dangerous and it doesn't DO anything to you. You can learn how to hypnotize by looking at the link below.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specialising in Health and Fitness. If you want to learn how to hypnotize or follow an online course on hypnosis visit the link below:-:

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