All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis is in Your Control
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Hypnosis has a long and mystical history. The simple truth of it is that hypnosis is a natural process of influence and suggestibility and all hypnosis is self hypnosis. Don't believe it?
Just think about it for a moment and consider the last time a friend asked if you were hungry and although you weren't thinking about it at the time, you shortly found yourself nearly ravenous for food. Or how about a time when someone you like mentioned that they liked what you were wearing and now you find yourself wearing that thing more often when you know you'll see them or you may even purchase more things similar to it. Perhaps there was a time when a commercial on television or radio seemed so appealing that you ended up ordering, buying or going to wherever was suggested because of the deal or appeal of the product. You may have memories of someone in your past who told you, you can't do something, shouldn't do something or mustn't be something and here you are today either opposing what they said to show them who is boss or you aren't, haven't and can't move forward in your life due to their past treatment of you. You're getting the idea now, although I could go on and on.
So no matter who you are, you are capable of being influenced, that is how you have become who you are, so be okay with what 'was' because as long as your past has gotten you where you want to be in life then there is no need to complain or change, right? HOWEVER, if you're not happy with the influences of the past and the results you have in the present, then hypnosis (self-hypnosis) is the cause and only hypnosis (self-hypnosis) will change it. The point here is to understand this information in order to allow yourself to only be suggestible to things that will provide you with the benefits and results that will make you feel good about you and the world around you. Every thought or feeling you dwell on today will become what you face at some point in the future, so be aware of your self-hypnosis which is a clinical term for self-talk or inner dialog. Pay attention to what you say about yourself and to yourself and to other people because you may be influencing yourself and others to experience less than positive results or conditions of limitation and who wants to do that on purpose, right?
Now if you've become conscious that a fear or phobia or condition of some kind has stopped you from being the best you can be, then it's perhaps time for you to seek the help of a professional who will guide you through the process of letting go of negative or limiting influences of the past. This is when hypnosis will work for you rather quickly and you will be conscious of the positive difference. But suppose you believe that hypnosis works on some people and not on you and you still seek the guidance of a professional to help you rid yourself of the negative or limiting behavior that has stopped you from achieving your goals, then, hypnosis may not work for you quickly because your conscious mind still wants to be conscious of the negative difference. Hypnosis is already taking affect on you in the latter case, because you're following suggestions of what can't work instead of what can, and who is in control of that?
Your mind always has and always will belong to you and you alone. Nobody goes in and starts pulling your strings, pushing your buttons as if you operate by remote control. You could either bark like a dog if asked or you won't. You are actually the only one in control of how you react to or feel about anything in your life, with unlimited choices. Clinical hypnosis is a powerful tool to enhance your true sense of mind mastery by helping shift your awareness to what unlimited results you want and the conscious mental focus that comes when you take time to go inside yourself to find the unlimited answers that will resolve and uncover the mystery and power within you. Doesn't that feel promising?
The role of a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist is to guide you with techniques that will stimulate your subconscious mind to be forthcoming in solutions and answers. Your role is to be open and receptive to letting the techniques work and prove to you how your conscious mind and subconscious mind (your inner genius) is always working in congruency or balance. Since the suggestions given in a clinical setting are based upon the success and results that you desire, you can allow yourself to relax physically although hypnosis does not have to be relaxing to be effective. As we know in life, we are influenced by suggestions that come in outside of our conscious awareness, especially in times of distraction or stress, this is how we get into the situations we find ourselves in anyway, remember? You have the solution, you may not have known that you had it until there was a problem (bad feelings or results), but now you can fix it and isn't that what you want?
So, whatever we are thinking, doing and being, we are in alignment with the results good or bad. We must allow the information of what could be our preferred result to come to the surface and once the awareness is there, professional hypnosis or self-hypnosis can purposely change the alignment by changing our thinking, doing and being, that's how we succeed with hypnosis. It's all hypnosis and all hypnosis is self-hypnosis which is in your control, so it can work for you. You can do it alone or with the guidance of a professional but whatever you do, the information of what you want has to be clearly understood by you and then your natural inspiration and motivation will show you the way to your results. And, who knows better than you what you understand, right?
Look for more of my articles as I help you uncover and constructively utilize your subconscious mind (inner genius) through self-hypnosis and free your mind from the slavery of the conditions and results that you had been suggestible to.
My name is Cassandra Smith, I am a certified hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner with over 6 years of clinical applications. My philosophy of "be okay with what is or change your part in it" has taken shape over many years of personal trials and tribulations where the search of self-awareness and self- empowerment has revealed a common truth of which the majority is unpracticed in using on purpose. It is this invaluable quality that allows me to understand a myriad of conditions my clients deal with and provides a wealth of insight helping them master their minds and master their conditions. My goal is to abolish mental slavery in anyone who wants to be set free of the bad conditions their past thinking has led them to!
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