Hypnotize Minds to Get What You Want
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Hypnosis is a powerful tool if used properly and effectively. Whether or not you believe is up to you, I personally believe it because I have seen it used in therapy. I have seen hypnosis used to make people get over phobias and tragedies. Imagine if you could hypnotize minds, here are some things you could do!
- Persuade People to do your Bidding
You might not be able to directly tell them to do something but you could make subtle suggestions to a willing mind in order to accomplish the same thing!
- Put People to Sleep Just by Talking If you know the proper things to say, you can induce a dream like state in people just by talking to them in a specific way! Very helpful if your partner or someone you know is an insomniac (has trouble sleeping).
- Make Lots of Money If you are a salesperson or have any job where you have to deal with clients, you can hypnotize them by simply talking to them!
- Influence People Online
Did you know you can hypnotize people through e-mail and online messages? You can get people to do what you want not just in real life, but online as well!
If you liked this article, you can learn more about this topic at defineHappy. There you will find guides that will guarantee to make you happier with what you just read about.
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