How To Hypnotize Instantly

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Free Hypnosis Script - 3 Great Tips on Choosing Your Free Hypnosis Script

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Hypnosis has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent times. More and more people are finding it to be an effective method of self development, which explains why you are now looking for free hypnosis scripts. And as mentioned in my other articles, the Internet is playing a huge role in spreading awareness and knowledge on this subject.

Hypnosis scripts are a great source of ideas for hypnosis trainees and experts alike. You will be able to find many of them by searching around the Internet. This article is a simple guide on how to choose the best scripts, so that you can get the most benefit out of this fantastic method.


Just like the way we give emphasis to words and phrases while we are having a normal conversation, it must be given in a hypnosis script as well. You should make sure that these words of emphasis are clearly marked throughout your free hypnosis script.


The length of your free hypnosis script must be considered too. There are probably many scripts that you will come across which just give you a small 2 page script and tell you that it is enough. But, an effective hypnosis session lasts for at least a half an hour or so, usually more. However, if you need one just to gather ideas for other sessions, then it would not really matter of course.


During a hypnosis session, the individual will be asked to vividly imagine the positive outcome he or she desires. So during this time, the hypnotherepist should pause for a few moments to allow the individual to visualize undisturbed. Make sure that these pauses are available and are long enough. Most of them are between 5 - 20 seconds each.

So there you have it! You now know a few important features to look for in a free hypnosis script. I am sure you will find this useful while evaluating the ones you will find.

Andrew Stone is extremely passionate and well-informed in the field of Mind Power. You may wish to visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you discover the power of the subconscious mind...

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