How To Hypnotize Instantly

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How To: Self-Hypnosis

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Self-hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind that can be utilised to bring about desirable change.

Two things are required in order to perform self-hypnosis.

1. A method for inducing deep relaxation i.e. trance.
2. Something you want to change.

Let's look first at the things you might want to change. You may want - more confidence; the ability to talk comfortably to someone you find attractive; more money; better health; to feel better about yourself; to be more successful; to stop putting things off; to achieve a goal – it doesn't really matter what it is as long as it is achievable for you. And you may like to consider that you are capable of achieving very much more than you think you can.

Then you need to sit down with a pen and paper and do some work.

The work you need to do is to write down a statement that encapsulates what you want as if you have it already. You'll know you have the right statement when you get a pleasurable emotional reaction when you read it. The emotional reaction is important.

Then you need to spend some time working on creating a mental picture of already having what you want. This mental picture MUST include a strong positive emotional response. When you create your image in your mind it must make you feel good in some way – happy, excited, joyful, awed…

Some people find it easy to create mental pictures in great detail others find it more difficult. However, I have yet to find anyone incapable of engaging in fantasy or daydream – and that's all that is required of you in creating a mental picture – do whatever you do when you fantasise or daydream.

Now the really important bit.

What you do with self-hypnosis is to re-programme your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind has three key attributes:
1. It believes whatever you tell it.
2. It doesn't understand negatives.
3. If you tell it something that isn't true, it will make it true for you.

Your subconscious mind has no critical abilities. That is the realm of consciousness, and that's why it takes at face value whatever you tell it. You can tell it in words. You can tell it in pictures. But the most powerful way to activate it is to tell it with emotions. But because it has no critical abilities you must always phrase words and images in the positive.

I am no longer poor.
I am not shy.
I am no longer a failure.
…all maintain the current situation.

Phrase everything in a positive way.
I am enjoying paying all my bills on time with money left over to go out for a meal once a week and a wonderful holiday twice a year.
Accompany this with images of you looking forward to the bills and putting them in the mail, or having fun on your holiday.

I am relaxed and comfortable in all circumstances and situations.
Accompany this with images of you having fun playing Frisbee in the boardroom with your managing director.

I am so successful that I'm now a success guru.
Accompany this with images of you sitting cross-legged on your yacht with a group of admirers eager for your every word.

These are just suggestions. What works best are the images and words that emerge from within you.

Now back to the beginning – a method of inducing the trance where you can start re-programming your subconscious mind.

The easiest way is with a progressive relaxation. Make yourself comfortable, preferably sitting. Lying down there is too much tendency to fall asleep. Then focus your awareness on your feet and ankles and notice any tension in the muscles there and gently, softly let it go. Then move to your lower legs and so on up through your body; paying particular attention to the abdominal muscles because a lot of tension is held here, and also to the tiny muscles around your mouth and eyes.

Then start to count down from ten to one. Count on an out breath. And each time you count tell yourself you are becoming more and more deeply relaxed. When you reach one tell yourself you are now totally and completely relaxed and totally and completely receptive to all positive thoughts and suggestions. Then start to repeat your 'mantra' – the phrase that you chose to re-program your subconscious mind. Then while you continue to repeat the phrase bring into your mind the fantasy you created. Make it as real as you can. Utilise all of your senses. Hear the sounds, see the colours, touch the textures, and feel the wonderfully positive emotion that you will experience when you achieve what you want to achieve. When you have fully experienced this allow the image to fade. Allow the mantra to fade, and start to count yourself back up to waking awareness. Remind yourself that when you reach ten you will feel fully alert, refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of the day/evening.

Good luck and let me know when your dream comes true.

Michael J. Hadfield MBSCH is a registered clinical hypnotherapist. You can experience his unique style on a popular range of hypnosis CD's and tapes at you can also obtain treatment for a variety of problems and explore his approach to health, healing, and hypnosis.

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    Sunday, October 28, 2007

    Hypnotize People

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    Friday, October 26, 2007

    Hypnosis Works!

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    Hypnosis has moved from the world of magic into the world of medicine. Hypnosis is being used to help people stop smoking, lose weight, overcome phobias and control pain in a variety of medicinal situations from childbirth to cancer.

    Trance, which occurs spontaneously under certain psychological conditions, is artificially induced by means of hypnosis.

    From 1845 to 1851 Dr Esdail was treating patients under mesmerism in Imambura hospital at Hoogly, Calcutta. Before he left India he had performed three hundred major operations and innumerable minor ones- all of them in mesmeric trance. He reduced the mortality in the operation for scrotal tumors from about 50 percent to 5 percent.

    Esdail’s, ‘Mesmerism in India and its practical application in surgery and medicine, 1847’, gives a good account of his work.

    A committee appointed by the Bengal Government consisting J.Atkinson, Inspector-General of Hospitals and six other Europeans, three of whom were doctors, to go into these mesmeric cures gave a favourable report.

    Hypnosis is used:

    1)by a dentist to get an extra nervous patient to relax and cooperate

    2)by an obstetrician to relieve fear and pain during child birth

    3)by a psychiatrist to treat anxiety and phobias

    4)by a cancer specialist to help patients tolerate intense pain

    Hypnotic suggestions or auto-suggestion made under the trance is not a trivial affair.

    By hypnotic suggestions even the electrical rhythm of the brain is modified to accord with the suggestion.

    Hypnosis is achieved progressively revealing increasing depths of susceptibility. Hypnotic suggestibility forms a graded continuum, different people being susceptible to different degrees. The hypnotic rapport reaches its maximum strength in somnambulic stage, when the subject becomes effectively suggestible.

    The subject may be told that a lemon is sweet orange. He will eat it skin and all and behave in all respects as though the lemon were a juicy, sweet, succulent orange.

    Hypnosis is to be carried out by a real hypnotist. But some quacks treat people with hypnosis using the names like mind control, relaxation which is unscientific.

    Hence those who want to get cured by hypnotherapy should approach a skilled hypnotist only.

    The Indian Yogis achieved Para psychic powers through the psycho-physical disciplines known as Yoga. By understanding Yoga one can understand how and why hypnosis works.

    S. Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books so far. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V.Programmes, magazine articles, seminars, courses. His email address is:

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    Thursday, October 25, 2007

    Hypnosis Treatment

    Click Here To Know SEXY Hypnotize Tricks That Makes Anyone A MASTER

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    Hypnosis treatment is usually the clinical application of hypnosis. Since very old times, people have used hypnosis techniques. But due to misuse or mistaken beliefs, hypnotism has been decried at times. Today, many professional organizations agree to hypnosis treatment when it is used for valid medical objectives. Hypnosis treatment uses the power of the mind to help cure physical and mental disorders.

    Hypnosis is the temporary state of altered condition of attention in an individual. This process may result due to various phenomena that take place spontaneously or in reaction to verbal or other stimuli. These phenomena include changes in consciousness and memory, increased susceptibility to suggestion, or alternations in behavior or psychological processes. Scientific evidences prove that hypnosis treatment is helpful only when it is practiced by qualified professionals.

    Hypnosis treatment is one of the most powerful psychological methods for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual relaxation. It assists in improving memory and concentration, increasing the ability to visualize, increasing motivation and self-esteem, releasing emotional trauma, and ending panic, fears and phobias. Hypnosis treatment is also used for many medical conditions, including asthma, migraine, enuresis, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, and smoking cessation. The treatment is also good for labor and childbirth, minor surgical procedures, and pain control.

    Hypnosis is not the same as sleep and is not like an anesthetic. That is, when a person is hypnotized, he does not lose control over his mind or his feelings, rather his body is extremely relaxed. When chosen correctly, hypnosis treatment can help everyone make powerful, permanent changes in their life.

    It is possible for everyone to learn hypnosis techniques, but that skill is not sufficient for medicine and psychology purpose.

    A number of ways are available to get right hypnosis treatment for your discomforts. Consulting experienced hypnosis therapists is a good option. Self-hypnosis such as hypnosis tape or CD is another effective method.

    Hypnosis provides detailed information on Hypnosis, Self Hypnosis, Weight Loss Hypnosis, Learn Hypnosis and more. Hypnosis is affiliated with Personal Life Coach.

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    Wednesday, October 24, 2007


    Click Here To Know SEXY Hypnotize Tricks That Makes Anyone A MASTER

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    An ancient method of bringing a person (works with animals as well) in a state in which all somatic senses are eliminated. Only a part of human brain stays awake - the part in charge of understanding the hypnotist's speech. Maybe not precisely understanding, but receiving vocal orders directed to subconsciousness, which pass by the control of reason (that is why some people, for example, bark if the hypnotist tells them to).

    Hypnosis has several stages...the depth of the hypnosis determines which orders will a hypnotized person comply and how influence will they have. In the initial stages the patient will not as easily bark (he'll probably wake up). In a deeper stage he'll bark repeatedly, but still, if he is suggested to, for example, kill, he will not do it (unless we are talking about a criminal with no moral what so ever).

    Hypnotizing a person is much easier than what is considered to be. We often hypnotize ourselves without even realizing it (for example, if we stare at something and have no idea what we're thinking about). When we want to hypnotize someone, we usually do it by exhausting his senses, physically (we tell him to stare at a moving object) or by suggestions ("you are very tired, your eyes are closing, you are now asleep..."). That way the patient slowly starts listening to a hypnotist's voice only, paying attention to nothing else. The depth or the hypnosis is determined by duration of those suggestions, by how convincing the hypnotist is and by the nature of the patient himself.

    Now i'll describe one of many methods of hypnotising a person more thoroughly:

    In the beginning, the most important thing is an entering conversation with the patient, in which the hypnotist thoroughly describes the entire process. It is very important to detail explain all the phases to eliminate the patient's fear - the greatest obstacle to a successful hypnosis.

    Here I have to mention a very important fact that nobody can be hypnotized without a consent (hypnosis during which the patient is asleep is a special case, because the patient doesn't know what is happening). Consent is not enough - it is necessary that the patient really wants to be hypnotized and has a total trust in the hypnotist. In case that any of these terms are not fulfilled, the hypnosis is not possible. There are people who don't comply with suggestions, or simply don't have enough trust in the hypnotist to allow a free access to their minds. Those people are very difficult or even impossible to hypnotize. However, in most cases, hypnosis is possible - by simplest methods.

    The goal of the next phase is to exhaust the patient's mind and slowly start putting him asleep by physical methods. There is a huge amount of those methods, and almost every hypnotist evolves his own. Among all of them, the most known (but not the most efficient one) is moving a finger, a watch or some other object in front of the patient's eyes.

    In my opinion, the most efficient one is when the hypnotist takes the patient for his shoulders and starts moving him backwards around, for example, a table, during which the patient has his eyes closed. It makes a person sleepy surprisingly fast, and everything is ready for the next phase.

    In the next phase the hypnotist puts a patient in a comfortable position and then suggests how tired he is, how all his body parts are very heavy, how he feels the need to sleep... This lasts for about 10 minutes, or until it's noticeable that all of the patient's muscles are relaxed and that he is slowly starting to sleep, completely allowing the hypnotists voice to guide him.

    In that moment the hypnotist mentions that the patient's sleep slowly becomes hypnosis, and that he hears nothing but his voice which guides him. The patient is now in the state of hypnosis. How deep that state is depends on the strength of suggestions, and the expressiveness of the previous phases.

    Hypnosis can be deepened simply suggesting that the patient is going deeper and deeper in the hypnotic state.

    During hypnosis the hypnotist gives certain suggestions to the patient (to quit smoking for example). The last phase is waking up the patient. Before that it is very important to suggest that the patient is rested and that he feels great and energetic. After that the hypnotist suggests that, for example, after counting to 10, the patient will wake up relaxed and (if wanted) he will not remember the entire process. If that, for any reason, doesn't work, it's useful to apply some other methods, like clapping hands or snapping fingers - that will surely work.

    If you don't like the idea of someone "talking" to your sub consciousness (in spite of me convincing you of its harmlessness), but you want to use many advantages of the hypnosis, the solution is self hypnosis induction.

    Standard method for self hypnosis induction is to use mp3 tapes with hypnosis suggestions, there are lot of specialized tapes for e.g. weight loss or stop smoking etc. But this way of hypnosis is not really effective because mp3 tape doesn't know when you really are hypnotized and when it should start with suggestions - it depends from person to person (suggestibility, concentration, power of visualization etc.). I am working on biofeedback self hypnosis - the hypnosis method where you using taped instructions, but you are also connected with computer which measures you brain wave frequency and indicates your state of mind. Computer controls taped instructions and gives you just the instruction you need at the specific moment. I believe that this approach will make revolution in self hypnosis area.

    Zoran Tava is young Croatian brain researcher. He runs science portal electropsychology and creating applications like precognition test and telepathy test.

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    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    Hypnosis Q & A

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    Hi. I'm Richard Blumenthal, MS, NCC, LMHC. I've tried to anticipate some of your questions about hypnosis.

    Q: Richard, what is hypnosis?
    A: Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, deepening the focus of your attention. The feeling of hypnosis has been described as a relaxing daydream, sometimes a meditative staring off into space, or other telltale sign that the person is involved more in an inner experience, than what is going on around her or him. While in hypnosis, your mind is more open to helpful ideas that may be accepted directly into the way you think. These ideas can help change or control behaviors, emotions, health, anything the vast power of the mind may influence.

    Q: But, I've been this way for most of my life. Can people really change?
    A: It may appear sometimes that you've felt a certain way, or done a particular thing for what seems like forever. But much of it, maybe most of it, is actually learned behavior. You see, while individual people may have tendencies, what biologists call predispositions, how that tendency is played out in your life depends on what you have learned from experience. Often, we've learned a thought routine so well that our resulting behaviors and feelings seem automatic, triggered into action before we even know it. That's where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is a wonderful, powerful way to add carefully chosen thinking on to your experience. You can re-learn how to think about something, this time with a well-planned goal in mind. Yes, people can definitely change. More importantly, you can definitely change!

    Q: Richard, I think I read somewhere that "all hypnosis is really self hypnosis". But, if that's true, then why don't these changes happen just because I want them to?
    A: Hypnosis requires something called induction. Remember, hypnosis is a unique state of mind, different from your ordinary state of mind. Your ordinary mind must therefore be induced, that is changed into a different state to acheive hypnosis. Neuroscientists using sophisticated brain imaging equipment have actually found important alterations between the functioning of the ordinary brain and the hypnotically induced brain. Specifically, hypnosis seems to bypass some of the barriers the brain has built to inhibit new learning. The hypnotic state diminishes these barriers, allowing ideas to flow more directly to the learning centers with greater ease.

    Q: But, isn't hypnosis just for people with really bad problems, or mental illness?
    A: Hypnosis has been used by the most successful atheletes, high powered business people, actors, musicians, writers, and others, all for the most positive and uplifting of reasons. They all want to improve their skills, their health, their appearance, and enjoyment of life. Hypnosis makes their talent more available. Yes, it's true that hypnosis is an extraordinary therapeutic tool used in clinical psychology, but it is literally for EVERYONE. It makes that which is good even better and transforms better into the best!

    Q: What if I can't wake up from the hypnosis?
    A: There is truly no such thing. In all my years of reading about and practicing hypnosis, I have never once come across a case of a hypnotized person being unable to awaken from it. Sometimes, hypnosis feels so relaxing and soothing that the person may fall asleep, but even then will awaken quickly, as you would from a short nap. By the way, I always begin every hypnosis script with the phrase, "At any time you have the ability to awaken yourself and instantly return to your ordinary thinking." You are in total control during the experience. The hypnotist is just a guide.

    Q: What are hypnosis scripts?
    A: The term hypnosis script (or self hypnosis script) simply refers to the dialogue that is spoken in order to induce the state of hypnosis and then make the desired suggestions. Hypnosis scripts can include techniques that range from emphasizing progressive relaxation and descriptive imagery, to story-telling and direct suggestion. The goal of every script is to induce the state of hypnosis for a specific outcome. Based on years of study and practice, I always include a variety of hypnosis techniques in each of my hypnosis mp3s.

    Q: What can hypnosis be used for?
    A: While hypnosis is best known for successful weight loss, to quit smoking, to reduce anxiety and tension, for self confidence, fear, etc, the truth is, hypnosis may be useful for any topic that is influenced by the mind. That certainly takes in a lot of territory. We can think of it like this: hypnosis can't change the weather, but it can help you to remember to use your umbrella. Hypnosis can't change the need for a mathematical formula, but it can make the formula easier to remember.
    I sincerely encourage everyone to take full advantage of this natural marvel. Hypnosis really helps! Thanks for reading.
    The work of Richard A. Blumenthal, MS, NCC has been published in such esteemed journals as Medical Hypnoanalysis, The International Journal of Psychosomatics, The Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, and The British Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Mr. Blumenthal is the originator of Rational Suggestion Therapy, and the inventor of HypnoSoft Self Hypnosis Software, located at, for which he was awarded a United States patent. Mr. Blumenthal has made his specially prepared hypnosis MP3s available at

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    Monday, October 22, 2007

    Weight Loss Hypnosis

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    Firstly… what is a weight loss hypnosis cd?

    A weight loss hypnosis cd is a collection of audio files that is listened to by a person who is hoping to lose weight. The weight loss hypnosis cd works by targeting the source of the problem – generally overeating. This habit occurs in many people due to different reasons, and there are many theories as to why it occurs, such as, the person eats out of boredom, or they just love food, or one of Freud’s theories is that they had an obsession with putting objects in their mouths, or sucking things when they were infants, which is a habit that has been manifesting for their entire lives and is emerging as overeating, smoking, or excessive drinking. There are many more theories, but the problem always remains the same, and a weight loss hypnosis cd can certainly help.

    We all know that the most effective way to lose weight is not through crash diets, or with liposuction. The smartest way to do it is through proper diet and regular exercise. You have to burn more calories than you take in each day on an ongoing basis to have lasting weight loss. This is where a weight loss hypnosis cd can be of great benefit. It can help to alleviate cravings and to get you to exercise on a consistent basis, without great effort or thought. A weight loss hypnosis cd will target the source.

    Losing weight and getting into shape isn’t going to happen by just thinking about it, that’s what’s called a dream! You have to get out of dream land and wake up to reality. The only way to do it is to take consistent action toward the final outcome, which is your ideal weight. A weight loss hypnosis cd will help organize the mind into something that helps you work towards your goal, instead of something that is constantly trying to sabotage every effort you make. Think of your mind like a net that has caught every thought you have had in your life about your weight. In that net there are hundreds of negative thoughts that will hinder your efforts, like ‘I’m too lazy to exercise’, ‘I’m too fat to go to the gym’, ‘I can’t resist junk food’ and so on. Your mind acts on these thoughts and makes you the product of them so that you are what you think. This is why you can’t lose weight and keep it off. A weight loss hypnosis cd will delete the negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. A weight loss hypnosis cd will ensure that your mind is focused on taking every step necessary to attaining the desired goal, by introducing positive inner talk having the suggestions from the weight loss hypnosis cd actualized into reality. This ongoing connection between the mind and the physical body makes weight loss easy and effective in the long term, which creates a better lifestyle and increased health. The best of both worlds!

    In closing, be sure to get a good quality weight loss hypnosis cd, because some of them don’t do what they claim to. If you need help, then I recommend trying this one first, as it is well know and has great feedback. This is it – ‘How To Lose Weight Without the Struggle’

    To learn more about weight loss hypnosis cd’s, plus everything else about hypnosis, visit Hypnotism Secrets.

    For more in-depth information about Hypnosis or more specifically about Weight Loss Hypnosis CD please visit

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