How To Hypnotize Instantly

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Learn Hypnosis Now - Understand Visual Imagery to Learn Hypnosis Now

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Our Subconscious Minds Cannot Distinguish

Between What is Real and What is Imagined

Understanding the above statement is extremely important if you want to learn hypnosis now. Hypnosis is based very much on the visual imagery technique. When used correctly it can be extremely powerful in affecting our subconscious minds. For example, a man who has a deep fear of swimming will be asked to visualize himself having a great time at the swimming pool. As he keeps doing this, this image gets imprinted on his subconscious mind. So when it comes to the real thing, he has a past memory to learn from.

It is also a part of sports psychology. Hypnotists have been improving the performance of sports persons since the 1950’s, and today it is a common practice almost all over the world. Mostly, sports psychologists prefer mental rehearsal. The sports persons are asked to visualize themselves performing well in the race or game.

Doctors have started recommending it too. The hypnotherapist would ask his deeply relaxed patients to feel and visualize the disease healing in their own bodies. The therapists direct their thoughts towards the specific parts of the body and might even tell them how to visualize it healing.

If this is not proof enough, I also have here a small mental trick to prove to you that this method works. Take a few moments and close you eyes. Now imagine yourself squeezing raw lemon juice into your mouth…Then observe how you react.

But it must be remembered that, at the end of the day, the individual must have a strong and honest desire to improve. Hypnosis is a very co-operative effort.

Andrew Stone is extremely passionate and well-informed in the field of Mind Power. You may wish to visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you discover the power of the subconscious mind...

  • Hypnotize Mind For Amazing Results
  • How To Hypnotize Course - Learn Hypnosis
  • Hypnotize Someone Quickly and Effectively
  • Can I Hypnotize My Headache Away?
  • How To Hypnotize Someone Easily
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