How To Hypnotize Instantly

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Free Hypnosis Script - 3 Great Tips on Choosing Your Free Hypnosis Script

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>>  Learn How To Instantly Hypnotize Anyone...I MEAN ANYONE!

Hypnosis has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent times. More and more people are finding it to be an effective method of self development, which explains why you are now looking for free hypnosis scripts. And as mentioned in my other articles, the Internet is playing a huge role in spreading awareness and knowledge on this subject.

Hypnosis scripts are a great source of ideas for hypnosis trainees and experts alike. You will be able to find many of them by searching around the Internet. This article is a simple guide on how to choose the best scripts, so that you can get the most benefit out of this fantastic method.


Just like the way we give emphasis to words and phrases while we are having a normal conversation, it must be given in a hypnosis script as well. You should make sure that these words of emphasis are clearly marked throughout your free hypnosis script.


The length of your free hypnosis script must be considered too. There are probably many scripts that you will come across which just give you a small 2 page script and tell you that it is enough. But, an effective hypnosis session lasts for at least a half an hour or so, usually more. However, if you need one just to gather ideas for other sessions, then it would not really matter of course.


During a hypnosis session, the individual will be asked to vividly imagine the positive outcome he or she desires. So during this time, the hypnotherepist should pause for a few moments to allow the individual to visualize undisturbed. Make sure that these pauses are available and are long enough. Most of them are between 5 - 20 seconds each.

So there you have it! You now know a few important features to look for in a free hypnosis script. I am sure you will find this useful while evaluating the ones you will find.

Andrew Stone is extremely passionate and well-informed in the field of Mind Power. You may wish to visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you discover the power of the subconscious mind...

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    Friday, September 28, 2007

    Self Hypnosis Technique - The 4 Primary Stages of any Self Hypnosis Technique

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    Everybody has the ability to hypnotize themselves using simple self-hypnosis techniques. It can be helpful in improving their problem solving abilities, better concentration, improved sleep, and much more. Instead of being hypnotized by someone else, in self hypnosis, you do it to yourself using your conscious mind. There is a learning curve of course, but when you master any single self hypnosis technique, you have a powerful tool in your possession forever.

    This article is about giving you a basic introduction on the 4 primary stages in any self hypnosis technique.

    1. Get Comfortable:

    It is important to be as comfortable as possible during the session. So you should preferably wear loose fitting clothes, remove your lenses, find a quiet spot etc. Try and sit next to an open window so that you get some fresh air too.

    2. Set a Purpose:

    You should now set clear purpose for the session. It could be anything you want. Like I said earlier, a few examples are better concentration, improved sleep, etc.

    3. Set a Time:

    Set a time limit for yourself, and make sure that you will not get disturbed during the session. Getting disturbed can not really cause any harm, it is just that it is quite uncomfortable. You can compare it to getting disturbed while sleeping.

    4. Start the Induction:

    There are many different kinds of inductions which you can use. This step always starts by first relaxing yourself. The next part is when the suggestions are sent deep into your subconscious mind.

    So now you have a general idea of how the self hypnosis works. I would suggest that you also look into hypnosis recordings to get a better idea of self hypnosis techniques.

    Andrew Stone is extremely passionate and well-informed in the field of Mind Power. You may wish to visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you discover the power of the subconscious mind...

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    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    Self Hypnosis CDs - Consciously Choose to Change - Subconsiously with Self Hypnosis Cds

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    Self hypnosis cds are a great way to help change something in your life that is lacking, any area that could be holding you back from accomplishing your goals or just a bad habit that you’d like to ‘kick’. There are thousands of self hypnosis cds on the market today, and that number is growing exponentially with many professionals turning to alternate movements like hypnosis, rather than simply seeing a psychologist or taking a ‘wonder drug’ to cure many problems.

    People generally turn to self hypnosis cds when they have tried several other forms of therapy, ranging from using drugs to pure willpower. When these other answers have failed them, they begin to look into self hypnosis cds and are amazed when they unlock the hidden potential of these self hypnosis cds. Once they realize the amount of time and effort they could have saved if they had known about self hypnosis cds earlier, they are both frustrated and annoyed, but at the same time excited and anxious thinking of the prospect of how easy change will be in the future.

    Self hypnosis cds work by slowing your brain waves so that suggestions become readily acceptable, and then there is usually a calm, quiet voice suggesting things to your subconscious mind to alter a habit or belief. This is why change is so easy, it happens from the root of the problem, and takes effect almost immediately.

    So how can self hypnosis cds be of benefit in your life?

    Well, there is a vast array of different types of self hypnosis cds, ranging from changing fears, erasing bad habits, self renewal and body change. There are self hypnosis cds for literally any area of life that you can think of, all you have to do is pinpoint the area of your life that needs correction, and then take the appropriate action by acquiring a set of good self hypnosis cds that you can rely on.

    Although most self hypnosis cds are very reputable and work brilliantly to target a specific problem, some of the programs are not as well formatted and therefore they do not work nearly as well. So here’s one that I recommend that is highly acclaimed in the professional hypnotism circle, and one which I have never heard a negative word about. I have links for each site, ordered by category, I hope at least one will be beneficial to you.


    For more in-depth information about Hypnosis or more specifically about Self Hypnosis CDs please visit

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    Lose Weight With Hypnosis - How Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight

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    It sounds too good to be true: put on a hypnosis track, sit back, listen to the track and lose weight...

    The big question is: "can hypnosis really help you to lose weight?"

    And the short answer to that question is a definite "yes".

    So your next question is likely to be "Are there any catches to the process?".

    Again, the answer is "yes".

    The main point where people fall down on any diet is by not following it or by giving up as soon as they deviate from their diet. We're generally pretty weak willed and losing weight is no exception to this. Sure, the dedicated people you see on weight loss adverts have done it. But they are amongst a very small percent of people for whom weight loss has worked. Think about it for a minute, if diets worked for most people then the bookshops wouldn't be full of how to lose weight books.

    Anyway, back to how hypnosis can help you with your weight loss goals.

    Hypnosis is best combined with a regular diet plan. The two work well together because hypnosis will gradually plant ideas in your mind. Images of a new, slimmer you will start to become part of your normal thought process. Once this starts to happen, you'll find yourself automatically choosing a healthier option when you next eat.

    So the extra size chocolate cake will (amazingly) become less attractive to you.

    That doesn't mean you'll start craving lettuce leaves instead. So you can breathe a sigh of relief on that count.

    It just means that hypnosis works by planting newer, better, healthier ideas in your subconscious. These will bring about a gradual change to the way you think about food. Couple that with a diet plan that gives you a good, healthy diet and you'll find the magic starts to work with a lot less effort than you've used in the past. And that has to be a good thing!

    Discover more about losing weight with hypnosis, including resources that will help you to achieve your ideal weight. Get your free weight loss newsletter and your FREE copy of our Healthy Eating Hot Sheet now!

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    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

    Self Hypnosis Technique - Incredible Results with Little Effort using a Self Hypnosis Technique

    Click Here To Know SEXY Hypnotize Tricks That Makes Anyone A MASTER

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    A self hypnosis technique is used to induce oneself into a state of hypnosis, usually with aid of an audio program or a series of steps to stimulate the state of hypnosis, whereby positive suggestion becomes easily accepted by the subconscious mind and the conscious does not interfere.

    The self hypnosis technique covered in this article will be the one which several steps are used to slow down the brain waves and this will help our minds to accept whatever information we feed into it. This self hypnosis technique is highly effective at revolutionizing our lives as it creates positive beliefs and leads to constructive actions to achieve our goals.

    So let’s move on to the steps of this self hypnosis technique…

    Firstly lay down in a comfortable position as this self hypnosis technique requires deep relaxation. Next, roll your eyes up and inward a little, as if you’re trying to see something in the center of your forehead. Hold your eyes in that position and take five deep slow breaths in and out, and focus your entire conscious mind on hearing those breaths and being totally aware of them. Now your brain waves will have changed from BETA to ALPHA and your will be very relaxed. At this point of the self hypnosis technique you should think about a goal that you must achieve. Picture it in your mind as if it has already happened and make it seem as real as possible to your subconscious mind.

    This self hypnosis technique will cause the things your imagine in this self hypnosis technique so fuse with reality, because your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between real and imagined, so it will gradually move you towards what it thinks your already have.

    This self hypnosis technique is highly effective if repeated daily, over a period of a few weeks you will begin to notice a remarkable change. If you read a lot of motivational materials, you will find that this self hypnosis technique is used by a large proportion of exceptionally successful people, and the results can be easily seen in their lives, so the same results will be achievable in yours too.

    University Psychology Major
    Extensive research in hypnosis and keen passion for the subject
    Also skilled in many personal development technologies such as NLP

    To learn more about this or any other self hypnosis technique, and everything about hypnosis, visit Hypnotism Secrets

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    Underground Hypnosis- The Top Benefits of Underground Hypnosis

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    If somebody tells you that wealth can be easily had by working only with the powers of your mind, would you believe it? And what if somebody, by some strange anomaly, offers to let you in on the secrets to unlocking this power, would you grab the chance?

    To both questions, we need to tell you that you ABSOLUTELY must say an emphatic “yes” to all questions. Because it is true. With underground hypnosis, yes, you can easily earn more than what you are earning now, and much more.

    Underground Hypnosis was developed by three brilliant hypnotists who have mastered the techniques of persuasion, hypnosis, NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and mind control. The rest of the hypnosis world is ruing the three or The Triad of Underground Hypnosis. But many sincere seekers of Underground Hypnosis are thankful for the Triad for sharing their knowledge on this modern twist to what is mystically known as esoteric knowledge.

    Consider the resulting benefits of Underground Hypnosis:

    1. Never have to wait in line again for anything,
    2. Earn as much as $15,000 per night,
    3. Get people to do what you want them to do (like the TV evangelists),
    4. Wiggle your way out of a stick situation,
    5. Make a lot of money in your current job
    6. Never miss another appointment

    Those are just among the many benefits that Underground Hypnosis can have for you. Word of warning though, Underground Hypnosis is addicting.

    Taylor Starr admitted this to himself when after spending so many hours trying to find out the identities of The Triad, and going through unspeakable pains to learn all the techniques of Underground Hypnosis from the Triad.

    Taylor took the time and the pain to learn the Iron Man Pattern, the Black Mirror Operation and the No Cleaver and found that he easily convinced a very difficult person to convince to agree with him. Such was his success that Taylor has burned all that he knew in three CD files to help seekers of the path.

    He has even gone as far as putting together an audio course, accessible anywhere through the Internet that teaches people the techniques of:

    Iron Man Pattern
    Black Mirror Operation
    No Cleaver Technique
    Advanced Hypnosis Tactics
    Controlled Environment Hypnosis

    Taylor believes that what The Triad can do can be done by any one else, and so much more. You too can do this and much more with the Underground Hypnosis.

    Richard Adonis is mentalism enthusiast from the UK. If you wish to find out more about the mysterious powers of hypnosis, and how they can aid you in everyday life, you can visit Richard's website (, which provides guidance and articles for the Underground Hypnosis course.

    Underground Hypnosis

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    Sunday, September 23, 2007

    Self Hypnosis - How Do You Learn Self Hypnosis?

    Click Here To Know SEXY Hypnotize Tricks That Makes Anyone A MASTER

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    How do you learn self hypnosis? Is there such a thing as self hypnosis and does it work? If you have had any interest in the subject of self hypnosis then you have probably asked these questions.

    But you are actually asking the wrong questions. You should be wondering "How do I use my self hypnosis skills to change my life?" Yes that's right, you already have the skills of self hypnosis. You have just forgotten them over time.

    Can you remember a time in your childhood, right now, where you got caught up in a day dream. You may have been in school, staring at your book, but your mind was elsewhere. You may have been thinking about the place you were going to visit on the weekend with your parents. You were actually there at the seaside playing in the shallow waves of the shore.

    Then the booming voice of your teacher brought you abruptly out of your day dream and back to the reality of the classroom. This was an example of your self hypnosis skills at play...but you did not know it.

    Other times that you may have been in a self hypnotic trance were the times when you were listening to music and you loss track of time. More resent examples may be the times you have been driving in your car and forgotten how you got to a destination. These times of self hypnosis are often discouraged by others and you lose the ability to get into a trance easily.

    If you were encouraged as a child to do a bit more guided day dreaming you would have learned the best skill to change any behavior you wanted for life...self hypnosis.

    The good news is that we can all learn self hypnosis even in our later years. It is not a case of "you can't teach old dogs new tricks", you are never too old to learn.

    You just need to learn the structure of self hypnosis and you can practice on your own and become as proficient as anyone else. Try self hypnosis out for yourself and discover the best skill you ever forgot.

    Craig Perry is a certified hypnotherapist and the creator of Get your FREE self hypnosis home study course at

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    Saturday, September 22, 2007

    hypnotize album

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    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Free Hypnosis Scripts - Take Action and Enhance Your Life Now with Free Hypnosis Scripts!

    Click Here To Know SEXY Hypnotize Tricks That Makes Anyone A MASTER

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    So you have come to this page looking for free hypnosis scripts? Well first I will provide some background information on the free hypnosis scripts that have been provided.

    The free hypnosis scripts are all written by various professionals in hypnotism, who have had many years of training and practical experience on hundreds of patients. These free hypnosis scripts come from all corners of the globe and deal with different topics of life transformation.

    The free hypnosis scripts that we have provided are each to do with very different subjects, but we are sure that there is a free hypnosis script there that will suit anyone’s needs. The free hypnosis scripts range from helping people to lose weight through altered self imagery and new desires and habits, to quitting smoking, which we all know is one of the most difficult missions anyone can undertake. It is a habit that for most people is often too hard to unchain themselves from.

    These free hypnosis scripts should be said to a patient by another person, or a trained hypnotist. They should be repeated after the setup stage is complete, and the patient should feel totally relaxed through their entire body. Once this has been achieved, the hypnotist should read the free hypnosis script to the subject in a calm, soothing, slow voice that will allow their mind to take in all the information and take action on the new programs stored in the subconscious mind. Then when this has been done with the free hypnosis script, the patient should be brought out of the trance with a reverse relaxation counting method, coming back from the number five.

    For more in-depth information about Hypnosis or more specifically about Free Hypnosis Scripts please visit

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    'Underground Hypnosis' - a Review of Taylor Starr's 'Underground Hypnosis' Course

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    The Underground Hypnosis course has been getting a lot of online attention lately. I usually try to review dating and seduction related programs, but I feel there is quite a bit of info in this program that is directly applicable to success with attraction and dating, so I want my readers to be aware of it.

    First of all, I want to say that I believe this product to be way over-hyped and over-promoted. It’s promoted as a hush-hush secret society type of thing. Like the author’s life is in danger for revealing all these secrets. Yes, it’s powerful. No, there aren’t many people who know about it, but this is what I like to call “hype.” Although the info is powerful, it’s not quite as serious as the marketing makes it sound. The marketing doesn’t really fit the product. It isn’t even really about hypnosis. Yes, it uses a few hypnotic principles and techniques, but the main focus of the course is about social control and influence. It’s more about being able to get others to follow you, being able to persuade others using certain psychological tools. I would classify it more as advanced persuasion tactics.

    All that being said, the course does have its merits. Although called Underground Hypnosis, it is actually about a field called Black Opps by the author, Taylor Starr. It’s actually a combination of techniques from the NLP, Hypnosis, Social Engineering, and Seduction communities. And this combination does present some very powerful persuasion techniques.

    The main strength of this program lies in a group of three techniques called The Majors: the Iron Man Pattern, the Black Mirror Operation, and the No Cleaver Technique. The Iron Man Pattern is used to gain instant confidence and social status. The Black Mirror is a way to get anyone to like you in a matter of minutes. Last, but not least, the No Cleaver Technique is actually dropping someone into a trance state, guiding and influencing them to achieve your goals. They can be used individually or in combination depending on the needs of the interaction. While some of the methods are a little bit off the wall, they do work and they work very well. Something I found really useful was a part of the Black Mirror technique called strings. It’s basically a mental operation you perform during a conversation that allows you to keep the conversation going and steer it in the direction you want it to go. It’s a simple tool, but a very effective one.

    Another section of Underground Hypnosis that I really like and use in my daily life comes from the section entitled “Social Engineering King: Becoming the Alpha.” I found a lot of useful information in there, and it is directly related to success with women, which is why I want to talk about it here. A key concept of this section is that the group, not the alpha, decides who gets alpha status. Therefore, if the group changes its collective mind, a new person can be alpha. So you never have to compete with an alpha directly, you simply have to get the group to like you more and follow you instead. Surprisingly, this is really easy to do with the steps provided in this section. Taylor Starr goes step-by-step through the process of entering a group, building rapport with the group, and ultimately overtaking alpha status. He doesn’t go into a lot of detail about things like obtaining the alpha mindset or using dominant body language, mostly just conversational tactics. For more on that I would suggest How to Become an Alpha Male by John Alexander. (click here for my review of that product.)

    With four full hours of audio instruction, this course has quite a bit of information. And it’s good for the most part. However, don’t expect to get much of anything from the bonuses. Actually, I think they cheapen the course rather than add to it. Also, don’t expect to learn real hypnosis from this course. If you are interested in a real hypnosis course, check out How to Hypnotize by Steven Hall. Also, there is a super advanced hypnosis course called Conversational Hypnosis. It teaches real covert hypnosis techniques, and although it costs twice as much as Underground Hypnosis, it has four times the amount of material.

    I’ve dogged on Underground Hypnosis a lot here (because I want to be completely honest with my readers), but it does shine is some places. Its hypey and over the top, but to its credit, it really does have the power to change every interaction you have for the rest of your life. The Alpha section and the Majors are top notch, in my opinion. If it sounds like what you're after, take a look and check it out.

    My name is CJ Romeo. Welcome to my world. I review Seduction, Pick-up, Dating, Relationship, and Sexuality Programs for Men. I’m a hypnotist, all-around socializer, and sexual connoisseur. I’ll give you honest and up-front reviews of the most popular programs on the net. The purpose of my site is to give men the tools they need to become world class lovers. I believe in an inside-out approach, first to success with yourself, and then to success with women. With that said, let me introduce you to this wild world of social immersion and self-discovery. It will be the greatest adventure of your life. Guaranteed.

    Join me at: or my main site

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    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    Anyone Hypnotize Secretly

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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Self Hypnosis Cds - Tips for Choosing Hypnosis Cds

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    People are so different. In fact we are all unique. Even identical twins have physical differences and differing personality characteristics. Not only are we all different in physical and personality aspects, we can also have different reactions to different stimuli.

    Listening to self hypnosis cds is no different. For you a particular self hypnosis cd, produced by a particular hypnotherapist on a specific theme will have the desired effect... relief from the issue. Yet, for others, the very same self hypnosis cdwill have little or no effect.

    In being a mature and responsible adult, this is something that you have to accept. There is no one universal cure all that will help every single person who has that same issue.

    With a self hypnosis cd, the difference might just be a few words that are uttered by the hypnotherapist. Those few words, uttered at that particular time, might just be all that was needed to help release you from your issue. Yet, for another person those same words might have no impact whatsoever.

    Additionally, the hypnotherapist's voice itself might be the difference between success and failure. You may wonder whether it is best to pick a male or female hypnotherapist's hypnosis cd. Even though you may hear the exact same words from a hypnotherapist of both sexes, because of a difference in perception, you may find that you more readily accept suggestions from one sex over another.

    Even more, is the difference between same sex hypnotherapist hypnosis cds. You might find one male hypnotherapist's voice pleasant and effective whilst another male hypnothertaist's voice may grate on your nerves. Once again for someone else the opposite might be true.

    So just like attending a consultation with a live therapist, part of your role as the client is to decide whether you can work with the therapist. The same can apply to any hypnotherapist's range of self hypnosis cds.

    Lastly, don't forget that variety is also useful. You may find initially that one set of self hypnosis cds are useful and then after a while you may choose a different set of self hypnosis cds.

    Clinical Hypnotherapist
    Self Hypnosis Cds Uk

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    Stop Smoking Hypnosis - How To Quit Smoking Through Hypnosis?

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    Smoking is a physical craving for nicotine - and to stop smoking means you need to deal with the problem as a psychological issue. Any hypnosis sessions to quit smoking involve suggestions, positive affirmations, and hypnotherapy techniques to help you give up smoking as they put you into an altered state where you are much more susceptible to suggestions. The positive thoughts are burnt into the smoker's mind during the session that the smoker has with the hypnotherapist. A sense of disconnection from your present surroundings is a hypnotic trance, if you feel that you are awake and alert. People are said to be in a sense of increased attentiveness, and things can take root more easily - such as the suggestions to stop smoking.

    A smoker who visits a hypnotherapist is advised to look into the future - into a situation where there is no cigarette is his hand. The smoker is encouraged to think positively and is made to believe that he can give up smoking. He is repeatedly told of the benefits that result when the cigarette is stubbed out, until the smoker's mind becomes conditioned to the idea of not smoking. Once this happens, the smoker's subconscious mind spurns the idea of smoking whenever the urge arises. This session may be followed by a few more sessions later on, depending on the progress achieved by the smoker. The smoker is also given a CD that carries stop smoking messages. The entire idea is to reinforce the value of giving up smoking.

    The hypnotherapist argues that withdrawal symptoms are caused mainly by conditioned responses. The smoker does not make an honest attempt to give up smoking because he consciously believes that it is very difficult to give up smoking. That is why there is no guilt involved when a smoker fails in his attempt. His mind tells him that it was a difficult proposition, and pats him for at least trying. The hypnotherapist tries to break this mindset by generating new conditioned responses that are positive, and gives the smoker the confidence to give up smoking. A conditioned response may be as simple as pressing the finger with the thumb and holding them together for about half a minute. The smokers are also told to take three deep breaths and drink a glass of water whenever there is an urge to smoke. Invariably, they dilute the smoker's urge to light a new cigarette.

    Check out for more articles on quit smoking pill and nicotine.

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    Sunday, September 16, 2007

    Hypnosis Tapes - An Effective Way to Master Anything is with Hypnosis Tapes

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    A hypnosis tape is an asset to anyone’s collection of personal development and life altering audio aids. It can help to alter the state of mind of anyone, and eliminate bad habits and enforce new empowering ones with ease. A hypnosis tape can do anything from, correcting an overeating problem; to increasing self confidence and motivation of anyone that requires a change.

    A hypnosis tape is an audio track that generally begins with soft, soothing sounds. For example; the sound of running water, a slow breeze or wind chimes ringing slowly. This introduction of the hypnosis tape helps alter peoples brain waves from BETA to the ALPHA state where suggestions are more easily accepted because the conscious mind is not alert and ready to judge everything that comes in to the mind.

    After this initial stage of the hypnosis tape, a calm and quiet voice generally speaks in the background while the calming sounds are still being played, and this voice will suggest things to the subconscious mind. The voice will be very quiet, almost indecipherable; however the subconscious hears everything, no matter how quiet it may be. This voice in the background of the hypnosis tape will be suggesting things that will move the person into a positive state of mind for whatever habit they wish to change. If it were a hypnosis tape for successful daily living it might say something like ‘you are organized’, ‘you will remember everything’, and so on. This is embedded into the subconscious mind and these actions are taken by the subjects without conscious awareness that change has even been made. This is the beauty of a hypnosis tape – change occurs without even consciously focusing on it because the root of the thought is deeply embedded in the mind.

    A hypnosis tape is something that is highly effective and lasting change will be the outcome. It will benefit everyone who is willing to think outside the square and can assist in any area of life. A hypnosis tape is a cheap investment for a more successful and fulfilling life from the day it is listened to, for the rest of a lifetime.

    For more in-depth information about Hypnosis or more specifically about Hypnosis Tapes please visit

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    Hypnosis CDs - Improve Your Life Subconsciously with Hypnosis cds

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    Hypnosis cds are compact disc’s that have hypnosis inducing sounds on them that can help to put someone into a hypnotic trance. At the start of hypnotism, the hypnotist will have to get the patient in a very relaxed state, where their brain waves slow down and suggestions become more acceptable background thoughts disappear. It usually takes about 20 minutes to get a patient into this state of mind, and this is where a hypnotist commonly uses hypnosis cds.

    The hypnotist will use the hypnosis cds to play soothing sounds like running water, crickets chirping, a calm breeze and maybe some wind chimes quietly ringing nearby. The hypnosis cds will be playing in the background while the hypnotist uses a calm voice to help the person relax, prompting them to relax certain parts of their body, moving from the head to the toes. Then, once the hypnosis cds are finished and the hypnotist has finished the setup script, the patient should be in a state of consciousness where suggestions can be made to the subject and will be easily accepted and acted upon, usually because the messages will go straight to the subconscious mind. The hypnosis cds make this all possible.

    Without hypnosis cds it would be much more difficult to get the patient into a state that is relaxed enough to be able to make suggestions strong enough to alter deeply engrained habits. Hypnosis cds have been around practically since the beginning of hypnotism, and even before that similar audio that are very much like the hypnosis cds were around, but they were being used to meditation and general relaxation. In many hypnosis cds now, after the initial 20 minutes of relaxation, there is a further 10 or more minutes of very quiet suggestion. On these hypnosis cds, the suggestion is often so quiet, that it cannot be understood if you try to listen for it, but your subconscious mind hears and acts on everything it is told. So, in these hypnosis cds the subconscious mind is exactly what is being targeted.

    So as you can see, there is so many reasons why hypnosis cds are the backbone of hypnosis, they make it so much easier and more efficient and effective. However some hypnosis cds are not as good as others. We recommend some great ones on our site. Specifically a few really incredible ones, they are on - Weight Loss, Quitting Smoking, Anxiety Help and Increased Confidence.

    To learn more about hypnosis cds, plus everything else about hypnosis, visit Hypnotism Secrets.

    For more in-depth information about Hypnosis or more specifically about Hypnosis CDs please visit

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    Friday, September 14, 2007

    Self Hypnosis MP3s - How Can Self Hypnosis Audio Help Me?

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    Self hypnosis audio can be used in a variety of areas. For example, an individual may aim to improve something in their lives such as self-confidence, self-esteem or to allow for financial abundance. Another person may wish to conquer an emotional, psychological or physical problem, or even overcome an addiction. Self hypnosis audio is incredibly useful for helping any of the above. This is especially true when no other therapy, medication or action you have previously taken has improved or successfully helped you reach your goal.

    Contrary to popular belief, self hypnosis does not put a person into a state of deep sleep. It actually induces a trance-like state in which the individual would be in an enhanced state of awareness. In this enhanced state, the conscious mind is suppressed and the subconscious mind is revealed.

    Most people who have consciously tried everything in their power to make a desired change and failed were most likely unable to because their subconscious mind retained the fear, craving or beliefs and prevented the individual from succeeding. By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind with self-hypnosis, the individual then becomes more powerful as this is the part of the mind that must change in order for the individual’s physical state and behavior to be altered or abolished.

    Self hypnosis can be very successful in ridding you of your crippling psychological problems such as fears, phobias, panic attacks, anxiety, stress and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, excessive sweating, irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions that are irritated by stress respond very well to self hypnosis audio.

    Even physical ailments such as pain can be relieved or controlled with self hypnosis! You should always seek medical diagnosis, treatment and your doctor’s advice before practicing self hypnosis to control your pain. Sometimes pain is a symptom of an underlying condition and if you use hypnosis to alleviate this pain, you could be masking a condition that in fact needs medical attention. If a person is in pain after an operation but is allergic to pain medications or afraid of needles, hypnosis can be a very effective tool in managing that pain. Research has even shown impressive results in amputees that sometimes experience pain in the removed limbs.

    Just keep in mind that in order for hypnosis to work for you, you must:

    1.) Let go of any and all misconceptions you may have about hypnosis

    2.) Believe it will work - Always think positively!

    3.) Want it to work - Welcome it into your life as a tool for your success

    4.) Allow yourself to enter a narrowly focused, deep sense of relaxation

    5.) Be highly motivated to reach your specific goal

    Here are just a few examples of the benefits of self hypnosis audio, which you can download online or have delivered to your home:

    1.) You do not have to leave your home

    2.) The cost of self hypnosis audio is FAR below that of hypnotherapies

    3.) You do not have to fit hypnosis appointments into your schedule

    4.) You can work on your goal at your own pace

    5.) The audio is at your fingertips the moment you decide you need it or want it

    Always remember to NEVER drive or operate machinery while listening to self hypnosis audio! Always make sure you are in a comfortable quiet place where your focus can be on the audio itself and nothing else. Sometimes you may have to try a few different areas in your home to decide which place is the most comfortable and effective spot.

    And always remember to have full belief in the self hypnosis audio and you should be able to reach your goals quicker than you ever imagined.

    Rhonda Rains is involved in many facets of self improvement, alternative health and daily advice on many topics. She believes that our minds and bodies must be open and in sync with each other to achieve full health and happiness. Visit Hypnosis Help By Rhonda for more information on self hypnosis and for other alternative health resources such as acupuncture, natural cures, and spiritual healing.

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    Positive Change Hypnosis - The Key to Self-Improvement is Postitive Change Hypnosis

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    Positive change with hypnosis is something that is literally guaranteed. Hypnosis is a highly effective method of transforming a person’s internal dialogue so that they find it easy to eliminate bad habits, or enforce new constructive ones. Hypnosis is a revolutionary approach that can help just about anyone to reach their potential.

    To create a positive change with hypnosis is quite simple. Their internal talk just has to be altered from their current state, to a more affirmative state, which can be done with a hypnotist or with self hypnosis cds which can also be very successful. This positive change hypnosis is done from the subconscious level of thought and is embedded into the root of the thoughts that are disempowering us, to literally change every thought branching off – thus making us more effective in whatever area we desire.

    Using hypnosis for positive change is something people turn to after other methods have failed them. For many people positive change hypnosis seems like something that is very bizarre and most people are quite skeptical, but will indeed turn to positive change hypnosis after other attempts to change have been futile. They often try positive change hypnosis after motivational programs, which get people pumped up for a couple of days after they do it, but they then find themselves falling into their exact same patterns of laziness and ineffective behaviour. This is where positive change hypnosis steps apart from the crowd of life enhancing technologies – Positive change hypnosis literally changes the way people think, so that they don’t have to constantly be focusing on the thing that they want to change. With positive change hypnosis the empowering thoughts are planted in their minds and any negative thoughts are eliminated quickly and effectively.

    So if your looking for a way of revolutionizing your life with lasting effectiveness, instead of being pumped up for just a couple of short days; then try hypnosis for positive change and see how it can drastically improve the quality of your life right from the root of the problem, instead of covering it with a thin layer of motivation.

    For more in-depth information about Hypnosis or more specifically about Positive Change Hypnosis please visit

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    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Celebrities and Leading Magazines Rave About Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis

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    Oprah's O magazine published the benefits of using hypnosis for weight loss. Good Housekeeping, Reader's Digest, Sports Illustrated, Red Book, Psychology Today, Ladies Home Journal and many more magazines continue to publish the benefits of utilizing hypnosis for personal change. Once informed about hypnosis, you will know that it is safe, natural, and very effective.

    Alot of people can relate to wanting something (exercise, diet, stop smoking, etc). Most are aware that eating healthier and physical activity are the key to weight reduction and a healthy lifestyle. Yet, they still don't do it!

    Although hypnosis can stimulate fat elimination, it does not make fat magically disappear. During a hypnosis session, suggestions are presented to the unconscious mind that direct behaviors to change, which in lead to the weight loss and motivation. Imagine feeling that unhealthy foods are undesirable and you actually want to work out and be physically active. As the hypnotic suggestions implant and take hold, the body reacts and moves the metabolism into high gear.

    Fergie quit biting her nails, and stopped a meth addiction with hypnosis; Samuel Jackson and Matt Damon stopped smoking with hypnosis; Jane Pauly was hypnotized on her show and explained the benefits of hypnosis.

    Also, there are thousands of ordinary people out there, who with hypnosis, are making huge amounts of money, losing weight, stopping smoking, reducing stress and more. They are continually improving their self and increasing their lifestyle by using self hypnosis. With Hypnosis you'll succeed much faster in your endeavors than without it!


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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    Self Hypnosis or Shelf Hypnosis?

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    Self hypnosis is usually thought of as a person listening to an audio tape, mp3, or other mass-produced media, intended to induce a willingness to absorb suggestions centered around a specific topic such as weight loss, stop smoking, etc. Unfortunately, this kind of hypnosis is generally prepared by someone who has never met the person being hypnotized, often presenting unwanted, even unpleasant imagery and suggestions. For example, if you sunburn easily, that last thing you want to hear about is a slow walk on a sunny beach. In this case, the "self" in self hypnosis simply means that you listen to it by yourself!

    A true self hypnosis would necessarily be designed and created by the very person who will ultimately use and benefit from it. Unlike the mass-produced hypnosis, this hypnosis is made for the exact purpose the person wishes, including the precise words and phrases that mean the most to that particular person. The true self hypnosis is thus crafted by the person to suit his or her own needs. The benefits derived could only be accomplished with such a personal, one-of-a-kind hypnosis. In this case, the "self" in self hypnosis really does mean that you are hypnotized by yourself!

    Custom Hypnosis Scripts

    The form of hypnosis in this discussion entails the use of the spoken word. There are other forms - drug induced, fixation of sensory attention, etc. But for our purpose, let us confine ourselves to the spoken word, which is by far the most popular of modern methods. The hypnosis, therefore, requires the composition of what will be recited to the person, otherwise known as a script. It has been shown in the literature that the choice of words included in the hypnosis script can have a profound effect on its success in conveying the beneficial ideas to the user. Even if it is written using widely accepted grammar, and just the right jargon to reflect society's opinions on the topic of the hypnosis, this does not guarantee that those words will have any powerful meaning for the person being hypnotized. It must be meaningful to the user, even if to no one else. A fabricated nonsense word fitting no frame of reference to the rest of the world, may be just the thing for the person who made up the word and knows just what it means. This is one of the great advantages of the custom hypnosis script. Particular people, familiar objects, events, routines, etc. peculiar to the person (and possibly no one else) are probably the most effective words to use. Always keep in mind that the aim of the script is to create a supremely meaningful experience for the person from start to finish. Therefore, all elements of the script should be to the taste, vocabulary, and possess a complete resonance with the beliefs of the individual using the hypnosis. As in the sunburn example above, if the imagery is objectionable to the person, it will probably be at that point in the script that the person "turns off" to t hypnosis experience. Likewise, if an objectionable behvioral idea is presented, that idea will either not be acted upon, or may even have some unwanted collateral effect, worsening the sitiuation. However, if the person to be hypnotized can truly say something like, "I wish I could think about this topic using the ideas contained in this hypnosis script.", we would have every reason to anticipate success. Though there is such a thing as "brainwashing", forcing the commission of behaviors and accepting concepts against the will of the person, it is not self hypnosis. In self hypnosis, the user must want to be hypnotized, and must want the ideas presented in the hypnosis, as well.

    Having extolled the virtues of custom wording in hypnosis, we may now move on to the common elements found in many hypnosis scripts, regardless of wording. They may be termed in this way: stillness of the physical body; the imagination gateway; suggestion ideation; return to ordinary consciousness.

    The Hypnosis Script Elements:

    Stillness of the Physical Body

    Since hypnotic induction depends on the mind concentrating on an "inner reality", stimulation to the physical body should be at a minimum. Many scripts begin with instructions to relax the various muscles, moving from one group to another. This is called progressive relaxation. However you want to accomplish this "stillness" is your option. The body function of breathing is, of course, one movement that can't be stopped and so it may be used as part of the relaxation, with instructions for slow and rhythmic breathing. Truly, the simple act of giving one's self permission to be still and quiet may suffice, and prove quite enjoyable to those who lead generally hectic lives.

    The Imagination Gateway

    This next portion of the hypnosis script is essential, as it provides the entry point into one's inner reality. When the person is engrossed in the imagination and dissociated from the surroundings, the person becomes more suggestible. This is the goal of hypnotic induction, to raise the level of suggestibility. Imagination is not limited to the laws of the physical universe. You may imagine any place, anywhere. Usually, though not necessarily, it is a place where you will feel comfortable and want to return to often. As you construct your scenario, be sure to include all of the five senses, plus movement (or the lack of it). Mention them in the context of the place you are creating and as you touch upon them all, you will find that you have created a rather complete experience. Remember, this need not be the relaxing lakeside or stroll on the beach that one might expect, unless you want it to be. It all depends on your own free flowing imagination. This is the ultimate in freedom!

    Suggestion Ideation

    Once you are thoroughly surrounded by your imagined place, it is time to give yourself the ideas you want/need. Though the whole thing takes place within your own mind, we can still call these ideas suggestions because you will hear them spoken to you, even if they are of your own invention. There has been much written about how to word a suggestion - keep it positive and direct, etc. In this case, all it has to be is meaningful to you. It doesn't matter if you use negativity, double negatives, or negative numbers, so long as it makes good sense to you. Suggestions may be thought of as falling into one of two categories: philosophical and behavioral. The philosophical variety would consist of those ideas that form the reasoning behind something that we do or feel, the why. For example, a stop smoking hypnosis may delve into the rationale for quitting - my family is important to me and needs me to be healthy; It is better to live a long life than a short one, etc. The behvioral suggestions would give direct instruction regarding what to feel, or what to do. To continue the smoking example - cigarettes taste like burning garbage and are abhorrent to me.

    It may seem unecessary, even artificial to categorize ideas in this way. If it seems so to you, then it is unecessary. In truth, it is best to write any suggestion that you desire.

    There is one more type of suggestion worth mentioning. On occasion, it may be useful to trigger some sort of behavior or emotion at the mention of a particular word, or the sight of a particular person, thing, or even imagining a particular symbol.. For example, to combat anxiety, the suggestion might be, "when I say the word 'playful' to myself I will instantly regain my composure and will calmly face the challenges before me." Picturing a symbolic object or person may also be very effective for this purpose. Symbols in themselves have a powerfully hypnotic connection to non-conscious thinking. For more about the non-conscious, please see the article, "What's Hard to Find, but Always With You?" at

    Closing Your Hypnosis Script

    After making the suggestions, it is time to wind down the hypnosis and return to ordinary thinking. You may want to extend the pleasure of relaxation, giving yourself some time to rest. If the hypnosis is to be used just before sleep, you may wish to give yourself instructions on how you want to fall asleep and what time you want to awaken. For other types of hypnosis, you will want to give the instruction to awaken. Many scripts use backward counting to give the mind a chance to prepare for the return. For example, "you will hear counting, moving backward from three to one. When you reach one, you will awaken and return to your ordinary thinking. You are awake."

    Recording Your Hypnosis Script

    When your script is complete, you will want to record it on a cassette tape, computer file, or other medium. Some people like to have music playing in the backgound. Many do not, finding it a distraction. Also, some people like to look at something hypnotic while listening to their hypnosis. Such pictures are available at

    The work of Richard A. Blumenthal, MS, NCC has been published in such esteemed journals as Medical Hypnoanalysis, The International Journal of Psychosomatics, The Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, and The British Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Mr. Blumenthal is the originator of Rational Suggestion Therapy, and the inventor of HypnoSoft Self Hypnosis Software, located at, for which he was awarded a United States patent.

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    Tuesday, September 11, 2007

    Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis

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    Hello my name is Richard MacKenzie and I am the author of Self-Change Hypnosis, which is a book that aims to teach in a simple yet comprehensive way, the benefits of Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. It was very important for me to get this information out there, but one of the toughest objectives that I had to achieve what to create something that could be enjoyed and used by everyone.

    One of the largest misconceptions that I have encountered in the general public's perception of Hypnosis is that, not everyone can experience Hypnosis. This is just simply false as it is a scientific fact that on a day to day basis we all enter a level of trance and that it is a natural part of our lives. This is mainly why we can pick up bad and unappealing habits with ease. And this is also why that with a little bit of direction and understanding we can use the natural process of Hypnosis to unravel these unwanted additions to our behaviours.

    Self-Change Hypnosis works on a process of three basic elements. To understand these I want you to imagine a cinema. For a cinema to work properly it needs three key elements, first is the projection room, second is the screen and third is the audience. Now imagine the “Flow” in the cinema – First the projector starts to project the chosen film, second the screen displays the film and then third the audience react to the film. This is the same way that humans work, but instead of having a projection room we have a conscious mind, for a screen we have a sub or unconscious mind and instead of an audience we have a body.

    So we imagine something in our conscious mind and that is then ‘projected’ into the sub or unconscious mind. Once this has occurred our body will then react – just like the audience would in a cinema.

    Try it now – Imagine something that makes you nervous. As you are imagining it, it is being ‘projected’ into your sub or unconscious mind and then your body will start to feel the physical effects of your imagination. This comes into play when someone starts to smoke. Most of my clients will tell me that they started to smoke in their teens and the reason was to ‘fit in’. So what happens here is that when the individual smokes – their body is feeling the negative effects of the smoke. However because they are imagining just how cool they look and are feeling that they are fitting in, their sub or unconscious mind starts to create a mental and psychical acceptance. This then changes the way that the body perceives that affects of the smoke and allows the individual to feel comfortable and it even builds a belief that the body then ‘needs’ the fix.

    Richard MacKenzie is a world leader in the field of Hypnosis. He also has a great range of Hypnosis Downloads including one on Feminization Hypnosis.

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    Quit Smoking Hypnosis Seminars - What Does Hypnosis Have To Do With Quitting Smoking?

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    In a hypnotic procedure to change a habit or a behavior, more emphasis is laid on the psychological healing of a person rather then physical. The hypnotherapist will talk about the benefits of not smoking during the time you are in a state of trance, and you will appear to not be aware of what is being said. When you come out of the trance, your mind will be conditioned to want to stay away from cigarettes totally. There will be no withdrawal symptoms experienced by a person.

    The stop smoking hypnosis seminars are an attractive option for smokers who do not want to go for nicotine replacement therapy or use other aids to quit smoking, or they have tried any number of them and have found it unsuccessful. These seminars are held in virtually all major American cities and you can register by paying a nominal fee. Group seminars are usually held in the form of a single session and run for a maximum of 2 hours - open sessions for all - and usually with a decent success rate. If one session doesn't work, you can undergo a re-consultation. The first forty minutes is an informative session where a practiced and a trained hypnotherapist speak on the benefits of the hypnosis program. There might be instances when a smoker who has actually quit smoking with the help of the hypnosis program may also share his experiences, with the actual procedure beginning after the briefing.

    There are chances that the group hypnosis seminar may not produce the desired results for some of you, and this may happen to anyone. This is because the degree of hypnosis required for placing people in a trance usually varies from individual to individual, and the motivating factor for quitting also varies. If you have a tendency to be distracted by small noises or cannot hold your attention, then group hypnosis is not for you. A better option in these cases would be to go for a one-on-one hypnotic procedure. Also, you need to check the background of the hypnotherapist before registering for a seminar. There are some hypnotists who are very good at their work but there are some who are average. You need to find the ones who does what they say, and doesn't use a gimmick to win you over.

    Check out for more articles on Nicotine Gum and quitting smoking.

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    Monday, September 10, 2007

    Free Hypnosis Hypnotize Learn

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    Sunday, September 9, 2007

    Hypnosis: Five Things You Might Not Have Realised Hypnosis Can Do For You

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    When hypnosis is mentioned the first thought is usually about entertainment and people looking foolish on stage. The second thought is usually about smoking, and if there were any enthusiasm left for a third thought that would probably be about weight loss. These are the areas that hypnosis is associated with in the minds of most people.

    And this is a real shame because hypnosis is a powerful tool for positive personal growth. It is a powerful tool that can make life much, much easier. Whenever people come to see me for help it is invariably because they've tried everything else and everything else (usually the world of medicine) has failed them. After treatment they frequently express the wish that they'd come to see me first.

    The real problem is that since hypnosis is known primarily through its use for entertainment – it's value is not appreciated in all the other areas where it can bring about great benefits.

    So what exactly can hypnosis do for you?

    It can change your life, and:

    1. Help you achieve success
    2. Take you into a past-life
    3. Heal disease
    4. Reduce pain
    5. Improve sporting performance

    1. Achieve Success

    Success is the thing most of us want. You can only want it if you don't believe you have it. But success isn't a thing, it's a feeling and hypnosis can help you feel successful. Now what use is that to me? You may be asking yourself. I've got bills to pay, I'd like a new car, or to visit family on the other side of the world. I want to run my own company, be the best at what I do…

    These are tangibles. And, surprisingly hypnosis can help you to achieve these things too. It works on the basis of the idea that if you are not moving in the direction of what you want, then that is because there are subconscious blocks. In other words there is subconscious resistance that sabotages your attempts to achieve your goals in life. Because hypnosis works, primarily, by re-programming the subconscious, it can be utilised to bring the subconscious into alignment with the conscious and free you to move easily towards the achievements you desire.

    2. Past-Life Regression

    Belief in reincarnation is not necessary in order to experience a past-life under hypnotic regression. Hypnosis is a wonderful way to re-experience past-life memories comfortably. If you've heard just three too many people who were all Cleopatra, or other equally famous historical characters, then like me, you'd probably be more than a little sceptical. But, under hypnotic regression, most people experience mundane ordinary past lives – like, farmers or soldiers, or merchants, or servants… My first past-life experience was as a Spanish Inquisitor, my second as a Roman soldier being killed in battle, my third as a tribal chieftain in ancient Britain, and the fourth one as a poor French farmer. So why would anyone want to go back to experience a life that, in essence, isn't romantic or exciting or special? What value is it? No matter how 'mundane' the life experienced - that life is special.

    To re-experience memories of a time in history that you know nothing, or very little, about, is of itself a source of fascination when those memories are experienced by you. The experience makes it real for you. It can't fail to enhance your current life when you know, without doubt now, that your consciousness continues on after your body ceases to function. It means there is no Hell – other than the one you make for yourself on planet Earth. If you engage in a series of regressions you will notice patterns in your behaviours and those of the people who are in those other lives with you. Becoming aware of these patterns can help you to free yourself from problems in this current life.

    3. Heal disease.

    Wow! There's a claim. Even doctors would have difficulty demonstrating they could do that. If hypnosis can heal disease why isn't everybody using it all the time? Hypnosis isn't what does the healing. The person with the disease does the healing themselves. What hypnosis does is make that process easier and more accessible. It isn't guaranteed, but then neither is any medical treatment. Oncologist O. Carl Simonton was one of the pioneers of the use of hypnosis to visualise a powerful immune system destroying weak cancer cells. This technique can be used with any disease process.

    4. Reduce pain.

    Minds are powerful things, but most of the power is lost because the mind isn't focused. There are several hypnotic techniques that can be used to reduce pain by training the mind to respond differently to the signals it interprets as pain. This can result in a reduction in the pain, or its removal. If you want to go further you can use hypnosis to explore the psychological reasons for the presence of the pain. This has the potential to bring about a release that results in healing.

    5. Improve Sporting performance.

    Whatever sporting activity you enjoy, professionally, or for fun – hypnosis can help you to improve your game - as long as you have the physical ability and fitness to perform at the level you desire. (If you haven't hypnosis can be used to motivate you to achieve that). Hypnosis can be used to focus the mind, to visualise success, to avoid distractions, and to instil the muscle-memory that allows you to act faster than thought.

    So you see, hypnosis is a valuable tool that allows you to become who you really are, freed from the burdens that hold you back and prevent you from living your life to the full.

    Michael J. Hadfield MBSCH is a registered clinical hypnotherapist. You can experience his unique style on a popular range of hypnosis CD's and tapes at Here you can also obtain treatment for a variety of problems and explore his approach to health, healing, and hypnosis.

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    Learn Hypnosis By Following A Hypnosis Script

    Click Here To Know SEXY Hypnotize Tricks That Makes Anyone A MASTER

    >>  Learn How To Instantly Hypnotize Anyone...I MEAN ANYONE!

    A hypnotist has certain techniques they use to put someone in a relaxed so that their subconscious mind can receive certain instructions or information. The techniques they use have been proven to work and have been passed down from generation to generation. Not all hypnotists use the same techniques and some use more than one. If you are just starting out as a hypnotist, it can sometimes be hard to remember all of those techniques to put someone under. For this reason, many beginning hypnotists take to using a hypnosis script. A hypnosis script has everything you need to tell the person to put them under and it even has the instructions you should give them once they are finally hypnotized.

    Don’t Pause, It Could Break The Person’s Concentration

    When someone is under, or hypnotized, if you pause or stop what you’re doing to find what you need in some book, the person has the opportunity to wake and the spell will be broken. For this reason, it’s best to use a hypnosis script. Simply place the script in front of you so that you can glance at it whenever you get stuck. It’s important that you don’t read right from the script, however, as a reading voice can break the relaxed state that person is in. You should memorize the hypnosis script as much as you can and only glance at it when you need to. That way, you won’t have to take continuous breaks that may disrupt the person’s concentration.

    A hypnosis script can be created using information you glean from books or it can come from an expert hypnotist. Ask an expert hypnotist, there’s sure to be one in your area, and ask him or her what you should say to put your subject under and what you should say while they’re in their hypnotized state. This way, you can have a hypnosis script that you know gets results. Try it on a few loved ones, such as friends and family, before you try it out on anyone you don’t know. Being a hypnotist carries a lot of power and you should practice thoroughly before you start hypnotizing people who think you know what you’re doing when you really don’t.

    So, before you hypnotize anyone, make sure you have a hypnosis script handy. You can always refer to if in case you forget what you’re supposed to say and it will keep the person from waking up at an inopportune moment. Many beginning hypnotists use hypnosis scripts, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Soon, one day, you won’t need to rely on a script and it’s then that you’ll know that you are becoming a master of hypnosis.

    If you want to learn more about hypnosis script please visit our site which is free to the public. You'll find the best tips on everything to do with hypnosis

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    Friday, September 7, 2007

    Hypnosis or Self Hypnosis - Does it Matter?

    Click Here To Know SEXY Hypnotize Tricks That Makes Anyone A MASTER

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    Many professional hypnotists believe it is wrong to use hypnosis as a form of entertainment. They claim that irrevocable damage can be caused by such displays carried out by unskilled people.

    This seems a little odd perhaps even hypocritical, as yet no one has come up with a logical accurate description of the hypnotic state, and indeed there are those that claim that all hypnosis is in fact self hypnosis. In the absence of a clear understanding of what hypnosis is it is not surprising that many “schools of hypnosis” have grown up around the world teaching often conflicting approaches to this subject.

    I take a simplistic view; it seems that if a person is relaxed, comfortable and willing to listen and observe the words and actions of another he is also receptive to suggestions.

    If I suggest that you imagine cutting a juicy lemon and placing a slice on your tongue your mouth will water. Why? Because your brain reacts to the suggestion.

    That is the basis of hypnosis, relax the subject, talk to him in general terms and make none threatening suggestions that he experiences something.

    The pain / pleasure principle is often quoted as a method of eliciting change in someone’s behavior. Anthony Robbins became famous over twenty years ago by challenging an analyst, on live TV to cure one of his patients of a phobia.

    The patient had been undergoing therapy for two years, with no effect. Robbins took the woman off stage for 30 minutes and when they returned the woman was cured of her phobia.

    When asked to explain how he did it Robbins simple stated he talked to the woman in such a way that the pleasure of overcoming her phobia was so attractive and the pain of continuing with here phobia was so unattractive that her brain moved her away from pain and towards pleasure. The phobia was resolved.

    If you want to use self hypnosis to bring about change in your life, make your self comfortable, relax and decide on the subject of your self hypnosis session.

    Visualize all the pain and discomfort associated with continuing with your present approach to the problem. Then imagine having solved the problem, how you will feel, how proud, the sense of achievement. It seems that if the brain believes something will happen it invariably does. It makes sense to concentrate on moving ahead and not dwell on negative thoughts and actions.

    Robert Lee is the webmaster and owner of where he writes and offers information and advice on the everyday use of Hypnosis, NLP and Speed Learning.

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    Thursday, September 6, 2007

    Is Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis Easy?

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    Well this last week was a busy week for me with loads of clients wanting help with their New Years resolutions. And right in the middle of the week I had an interview on our local BBC radio station. The interview was great and I arrived back in the office to a buzzing phone and answer phone!

    During the interview I made a comment that has been bugging me all over the weekend to give it some extra thought. During the interview with presenter Danny Cox, I said that 'I used Hypnosis because it is that lazy man's approach'. Hmm... Now should I have said this?

    I had a long email come the evening after the interview from a colleague who was, well let's just say - not to happy about the remark that I had made earlier that day. He said that he found, that teaching and learning Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis were difficult and that what I said could have given a false impression to Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis - making it look easier than it is.

    You see the thing is, is that I have always taught my clients Self-Hypnosis in about 30 minutes or less and have heard great stories of success from people that have read my book and found it a simple approach! For me and my clients we find it easy. Maybe because I see it as a natural occurrence and teach it as such rather than add all of the 'Mystery and Mumbo Jumbo' – this could make it seem simpler.

    Anyway when I made the comment it wasn't in regard to the hypnosis its self. I was actually describing the easiness and speed in which you can get great results when you use it properly!

    I mean who would want all of the discomfort of trying hard at other approaches when you can just take the 'Lazy Man's Approach'? I know I wouldn’t! I remember in my late teens trying to stop smoking with patches and failing miserably – and then I remember giving up with Hypnosis and just how easy it was.

    Fact: Research shows that Hypnosis is the second most effective way stop smoking - only seconded by Heart Disease! So if it can assist someone to kick the habit - imagine what it could facilitate you to do.

    Some people are scared of Hypnosis, but I tell you what – I would be much more scared of Heart Disease and after seeing the facts – most sceptics would be fans!

    Richard MacKenzie is a leader in the field of Hypnotherapy. For more information on Hypnosis check out his site.

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    Hypnosis Weight Loss - Does Hypnosis Work?

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    The word hypnosis never fails to conjure up images of something mysterious, shady or even downright occult in the minds of most of us. Be told the word hypnosis, and in your mind's eye you may see the silhouette of a black-hatted man waving his pocket watch back and forth. That mysterious hypnotist figure popularized in cinema, comic strips and TV. Its not difficult to reason why most people come to doubt the efficacy or otherwise of hypnosis weight loss.

    Though many people believe otherwise, its true that subjects under a hypnotic spell are not really enslaved by a master who can then seize control of their actions. They may appear passive and look like they are asleep to an onlooker but are actually in a very hyper attentive state. It is in this state of high alertness that they become extremely open to suggestion. This explains to a very large extent the effectiveness of hypnosis weight loss techniques.

    Do you remember the last time you where so weary and lying in bed and you had that wonderful feeling of being overcome with comfort. You then wished it could remain that way for ever. Well, the truth is - a trained hypnotherapist can help you attain that state quite easily, with your cooperation, of course. It will then be possible for him to make you visualize yourself becoming healthier, happier, richer, more confident, a non smoker or whatever. So also during a hypnosis weight loss session, the therapist can induce in you the mindset you need to lose weight, control your food cravings, exercise regularly and so on.

    The rationale behind medical hypnotherapy is that the mind and body are intimately interlinked and influencing one never fails to affect the other. If you suggest to the subconscious mind that the body is free of pain or disease, it will actually bring about that change. This is the reason why thousands around the world have experienced hypnosis weight loss who never thought they could.

    There is a vast deal of evidence to support the idea of hypnosis weight loss. Thanks to the power of hypnotic suggestion,innumerable women have made it through childbirth sans the pain and discomfort. It has helped manage the pain of chemotherapy in countless cancer patients. And many ex patients credit their recovery to hypnotherapy alone. The success of hypnotherapy is undeniable and finally doctors today agree that hypnosis weight loss works.

    Many people do not believe in hypnosis weight loss. And there are so many others who do not even believe that hypnosis is real. However, they do admit to having drifted off whilst thinking about a loved one, forgetting large chunks of a car journey (commonly known as highway hypnosis), or "going somewhere far away" while reading a book. These are examples of natural trance states. Hypnosis weight loss is about as harmless and without any damaging side effects as any one of those.

    Ex smokers and drug addicts have sworn by it. It has consistently helped solve marital problems and rectify criminal behavior. Hypnosis has also been used successfully where lie detector tests have failed! And thousands have benefited from hypnosis weight loss too.

    Smoking, drinking and over-eating (the leading cause of weight gain and obesity) are bad habits caused by a malformed or wrong mindset. Proper counseling or even better, hypnotherapy with the help of a trained hipnotherapist can help you to permanently change or erase such mindsets and help you change your life for good.

    Need to lose weight? Starving, sweating and pills will only ruin
    your health in the long run. Discover how to become more healthy
    and attractive today through hypnosis weight loss. The author Sasikumar R Nair is webmaster of an Internet Income Opportunity site -

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